Kaishan K500W e-bike review

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

Hmm interesting thread.. not only due to the model of e-bike (i just recently bought a 500WS) but the fact most of the folks in the thread live near where I live.
I live just north of Victoria over the other side of the Malahat.. and at the time I first considered an E-Bike/Scooter, was living near the actual summit..
I did first email "scooterunderground".. saying , essentially, 'i have money , want a scooter, don't live in victoria, please send some info or a reply".
Although i emailed them 3 times, i never gat any sort of response, so I bought one elsewhere...

So I bought one from Bob Saunders.. just recently (yellow, a bit like the one in the photo here)
It only goes (according to the speedometer) 20 KMpH, though.. and the "manual" such as it is, is no help..
i.e. "please escape to use at a rainy day. Defend lightning strike. please cannot open the crust with charger if not a career man. Othewise. easiness mangle"
Er.. OK..
So firstly, where is that 'Economy switch' that limits the speed to 20KMpH, in case I've accidentally hit it?

Also.. has anyone else solved these problems?
1- It needs two different keys to open the glove compartment and the back carrying unit, and a different one to start it up and open te battery case.. the seat also lifts up, but I cannot get the key to work there , it will not turn.. so why not one key for everything, as the manual clearly states? and is the seat lock broken?
2 - even small bumps cause the most horrendous "Clunk" from the front forks, as though the springs are set much, much too soft. I worry that they're going to break and lose all their
fluid, as that's the normal outcome when the fork springs/shocks are set too soft.. and that can be expensive..
3 - As mentioned before, the top speed is Much too slow, at what actually appears to be 15 KMpH. although the speedometer says 20.. It tends to speed up going uphill, for some strange reason, but not smoothly, but rather in surges, sounding like 'Vroom vroom" (sorry for my lacking in descriptiveness) ) at 2 times per second..
4 - the pedal gears are too low to be of any practical benefit.. you simply can't pedal fast enough to even keep the bike upright, but as an alternative to removing the pedals (which most people do after buying tem ,as they only need to be on the bike at purchase time), but instead of removing them, has anyone found a way to either increase, or asdd higer ratios to the pedal gears , so that a practical assist may be made of?

I also sent these questions to the "scooter underground", but my reply consisted of *only* "no, pedal gear is fixed", and how much their service rates were ($60 PerHr)..
Anyone else have better ideas?

Thanks Doc...

Greetings Doc. Sounds like that user manual reads like a comedy sitcom! I never received one, but untill now I never needed one because I just took it to Scooter Underground, which I'm now sad to say has closed. A sad day for me.
But what I do know is that the shop listed a rant on their site complaining about the lack of quality control concerning these particular bikes. I had some breakdowns in the beginning (read my messages), but most of it was covered under warrenty- and as time went on I had fewer problems. But in answer to your questions, here is what I do know, and I'm not an expert just a user like yourself.
The economy/speed switch is the red button below the right handgrip. I only 'click' the button when the bike is at rest, just in case the controller freaks out.
Can you tell me Doc if you bought the bike used or new from Bob Saunders- is this Bob Saunders Subaru in Colwood? If so, I'm wondering what kind of warrenty came with it. In my oppinion it's VERY important to have the right people who know how to deal with problems.
As I've mentioned in this blog, I had problems with the shocks and it's almost impossible to get a front fork/shop assembly from the dealership. The good news is that pre-existing bike assemblies will fit the bike- this is where the dealership will have to handle the repairs.
As for the seat not lifting up- try pusing down hard on the seat while the key is inserted, and begin trying to twist the key (obviously not too hard). The seat assembly can be reached from the underside of the bike.
I also don't know why two set's of keys. Perhaps the rear basket is an after market add on- or a piece from a different manufacturer. Your guess would be as good as mine.
As for the pedals, I rarely use them but I do keep them on the bike because when I'm on the road it does signal to vehicles that I'm an ebike, and that is the reason I'm going slow enough that they will have to go around me.
The surging controller can be an issue. I've experienced it on loaner bikes when mine was in the shop. If the driving surface is flat and level, and the surge continues, then it can be annoying. I wonder if it relates back to quality issue that the bike ranted about. But I don't have any answers for this one.
But again I'll just say I'm not a seller of these bikes or affiliated with any business that repairs them- I'm just a customer.
If you want pm me Doc, I'll ask a guy I know if he's looking for extra business. He did work in the ebike business and he knows his stuff.
Now for the update on the bike. And as usual no news is good news. I haven't taken the bike out too often lately because I've been away on holidays, or it's rained too hard, or it's snowed too much- but still I look forward to the warmer weather of February. The bike is running well- keeping it in a dry shed has extended it's life, I believe. Happy trails everyone.

We’ve all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

Yup.. that's the Saunders in Colwood.. i expect it was new.. it still had plastic on the seat.. apparently they were part of some promotion they'd had, and this one apparently belonged to Bob's daughter the one who works there..
I never inquired about what kind of warranty they would have had.. as when I we were down there was when we saw it, but we bought it by phone..and thankfully they delivered it (i had no idea how heavy they would be)..
Definitely took off the pedals.. after my dad nearly broke an ankle from them.. they're attached so flimsily anyways I wouldn't want to ever use them, now I know how they're bolted on ..
Sounds like the basket needing a different key, is indeed because it was added as an option, I believe it's the bigger one.
Got the seat up.. just how you describe.. I had no idea about Scooter Underground closing.. I was going to ask if they knew about these Tomos "e-classic' model bikes ( http://www.tomoscanada.com/default.aspx?id=6&ProductId=41 ), which I would have gotten instead had I not run into the Kaishan..
It's a good starter for getting used to electric scooters.. I think though that the fact that Canada has the most restrictive regulations on power, regarding electric bikes is not going to help promote them.
Because of the hills around here i only get 12 KM before needing to recharge.. meaning I cant use it for any practical purpose..
Hope the forks don't break.. they're already pitted with rust spots..
I'll check with you about that fella ytou know tho..

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

Greetings everyone. It's been a while so I thought I'd post. Well... the bike is running well, and nothing has changed mechanically. And yes, I'm enjoying as much as ever. But, the shop has closed down, and I'm relying on a motorcycle mechanic to help with any problems, although there really isn't any at the moment. However, what I can't work around very well is the parts issue. If (when) something critical goes, it's unlikely I'll be able to keep it running. So for now I'm just glad everythings working OK. I've already started to look for a new ride- I like the motorino brand, http://e-ride.ca/, but they dont have a dealer in Victoria, but still considering it. So for now, I just glad the bike is running good. Happy trails everyone.

We’ve all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

Here's a really interesting one I found.. I haven't yet tyaken advantage of this..I think the Tomos are nice.. but these have  a way to get around the 500 watt maximum here in BC..
Let me know what you think..

~Also.. my accelerator got stuck and the biike got away from me and crashed into a cement pillar, trashing the plastic bodywork.. also, the battery melted into a limp of wothless junk after leaving the recharger on overnight.. The persom at the battery repair shiop was SHOCKED when I told him .. at first he looked at it and saifd thats a years wortgh of damage, but I told him I had only had the bike for 2 months, and the melt happened aftre just ONE overcharge.. He couldn't believe how shabby the battery was.. The new battery turned out much better, but thyen it crashed into that cement pillar. As it is I need major repair to the lights, throttle and bodywork, and frankly don't know who is qualified to do this... ;-(

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

And yes, I'm enjoying as much as ever. But, the shop has closed down, and I'm relying on a motorcycle mechanic to help with any problems, although there really isn't any at the moment. However, what I can't work around very well is the parts issue. If (when) something critical goes, it's unlikely I'll be able to keep it running.

I am already dealing with the parts problems. I have made alot of calls and done some reasearch...and so in the next few weeks I will be swapping in some Gio scooter parts. In some cases, the parts look quite compatible.

There is a Gio dealer in Victoria: http://gotimemotorsports.ca/electric-bikes-and-scooters.html

"We have filled our warehouse with product and parts to meet the needs of existing GIO owners as well as new ones. Our goal at Go Time Motorsports is to provide affordable quality products and services to our customers."

It might be a good idea to get to know them.

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

Well, Magic.. I have a duplicate of your model for parts for sale.I thoughht of you as I live nearly next door.... battery went again and I can't afford another 400$.. The bodywork is not good, but all the parts are good and little wear.. send a PM if interested..

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

greetings everyone. Thanks for the bike offer, thought about it but will pass. I'm also not sure about the GEO's for reliability, but will look into them- this could be my next ride. Or, there is an e-ride.ca dealer in Nanaimo- just over 1.5 hours away. But I'm enjoying the days I have with the bike, it's too bad they didn't quite catch on with most folks. Happy trails.

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

I'm also not sure about the GEO's for reliability, but will look into them- this could be my next ride.

I wouldn't think of them so much as my next ride but as a convient, close source of parts...some of which appear compatible.

The hub motor died in my Kaishan and I was able to swap in a hub motor from a GIO. The plug was the same. The brakes were the same. The only difference was the cable was on the other side but this was easily overcome by rerouting the power and hall sensor cable.

I was able to get a brand new hub motor with a new brake unit for $199 and was up and running again after working on the the bike for an afternoon...removing the old tire and tube etc.

I think an X treme 508 has the same seat and the same body parts, so with a bit of work you should be able to keep the Kaishan running for a long time.

Take a look at the parts for a 508:


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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

Greetings everyone, and time for another update. Thanks DP for the info on parts for the Kaishan- this is very helpful. I've already had to adjust the cable tightner assembly on both the back and front wheels (not the screw but undoing the end of the cable from the wheel and adjusting the assembly to shorten the cable distance), and it's just a question of time before I'll need new brakes. So far the bike is running without incident and in Victoria BC this has been the winter of no winter- at least comcerning my ride. There's been only a few days where rain was a problem and, as with all my other posts, I look forward to riding rather than having to take the car. I also keep up on the news (google news alert for 'electric bicycle') and every year the market increases. Hopefully that trend will spread here- I don't get a sense that the market has taken off. Happy trails everyone.

We’ve all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

Greetings everyone. Another spring for the scooter, and it's been extended times of sun, then rain- but still riding almost daily. The good news is that I found a place that has a good selection of parts for the bike, as well as repair- so I was able to get the rear brake shoes replaced. The site is http://gotimemotorsports.ca/ and they also sell a fairly good selection of ebikes. It's our in Langford (goldstream road) and I found it through usedvictoria.com . So riding is good and so far so good. Happy trails!

We’ve all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

Thank you for sharing I will definitely check the store out. My battery was just stolen from my bike last night. I am so disappointed. My bike is less than a year old. SG Power is a good place to buy parts to. They sold me an entire bike for parts for 75 dollars a few years ago not sure if they sell the Kaishan K500W. I have no idea how much a new battery will cost. I know nothing about my bike except how to ride it. I know that the battery pack had a handle on it and I am hoping when I go to replace it it will have a handle as well but I have a feeling its going to be more complicated than that. If anyone has a battery for sale or can offer some advice I would really appreciate it. I love my bike and ride it all the time.

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

I did have one for sale, but turned out it was an easy fix.. the battery had not gone, it was a short. They checked the battery for free , and fixed the short for $50, as it had been only a year, and the battery was still under warranty. The store is "AllBattery" , just south of the bridge in Duncan, and they also do repairs on e-bikes.
You shouldn't need any tech skills to switch the battery, depending on the bike, your battery should just drop in a square cavity under your foot rests, just plug it in, and drop it in the cavity. What's more of a concern is that not only should they not have been able to access the battery, as they usually secure with a lock, but they are really really heavy, 60 to 70 pounds (30 Kilos) so this would have had to be planned by any thieves in advance. Certainly that is the case with the Kaishans .
PS anybody have any body parts such as a fairing and front fender? As I mentioned previously, my accelerator got stuck, and it got away from me and into a concrete pillar.. smashing the front end.. Shop said that if they find a used Kaishan they only pay about 50 bucks as they're not worth anything.. so I told them to go ahead and buy one for that $50 if they get the opportunity, and I'd pay them double for it for parts. Trouble is, there doesn't appear to be a lineup of folks wanting to sell their old Kaishan bikes for 50$ ;-), so I haven't been able to replace the bodywork yet.. It's currently my only mode of transportation so it would be nice to have that fixed

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

I just noticed your link for xtreme scooters, and you know, I do think the 508 fairing will fit the kaishan.. it looks identical.. Plus there's a really good supply of parts also, all of which look like identical replacements. Perhaps the Kaishan is actually a "re-branded" GIO. Certainly I can't see the Chinese government supporting internal manufacturing R&D when they can just buy it ready made. Remember that Kaishan is a Chinese Gov't brand, even more than normal... Will check it out...

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

Thank you for sharing I will definitely check the store out. My battery was just stolen from my bike last night. I am so disappointed. My bike is less than a year old. SG Power is a good place to buy parts to. They sold me an entire bike for parts for 75 dollars a few years ago not sure if they sell the Kaishan K500W. I have no idea how much a new battery will cost. I know nothing about my bike except how to ride it. I know that the battery pack had a handle on it and I am hoping when I go to replace it it will have a handle as well but I have a feeling its going to be more complicated than that. If anyone has a battery for sale or can offer some advice I would really appreciate it. I love my bike and ride it all the time.

The bikes are very much made with standardized, interchangeable parts.

Locally, you might have to visit a few shops before you find a perfect match among battery packs from other brands, but you should be able to find a perfect match.

An important thing to remember is that your bike was 48 volts with 4 12 volt, 20 amp batteries. The battery parks from the 12 amp bikes will probably be smaller and won't match.

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

Greetings everyone. I took the bike to the shop again- after four years it needed a few items- the rear shocks were bent, loose brake lever, and leaking rear tire. The shop was able to repair all of the above, and I'm on the road again. I still have to have the front brakes cleaned (a bit of grabbing), and I'm hoping they will have one light bulb to replace a burnout. The Kaishan is starting to show it's age so I had to make a decision on whether to keep it, or purchase a new ride. I think what it came down to was having the lithium battery pack. If I could just buy another Kaishan I would, but I don't think they're in business any more, even the website is down. But the good news, as was mentioned, is that most Chinese made bikes are off the shelf parts- different models will have some of the same parts made by relatively few huge manufacturers, thus it may be possible to mix and match.
For where to get a battery pack- that's a good question. I'd check ebay just for a rough idea on prices, but I'd carefully research the seller if they had an item I might wish to purchase. And yes that does suck that someone took your battery pack- go back to where you bought the bike and ask for advice- if they can't replace, or no longer sell the ebike, they may still know where to look. Also research the internet for your bike model, and even the battery pack model- something will likely pop up. I also try to talk with other ebikers, for shared info- I'll get answers to questions I'd never thought to ask. For myself, I went with a lithium battery that I purchased from pingbattery.com- but for you this may not work because there is no case that is provided. I just did an ebay search for "36 v e bike battery" and this returned about 90 results (I'm guessing your bike is 36v, but I have no way of knowing). And I do have a question for you- where do you get your bike repaired? Ask the people at the shop, garage, etc. Happy trails everyone.

We’ve all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

Thanks Magic Bc and others...I found reading this thread very informative and useful. I am thinking about buying a used Kaishan... Are you still using your and are you as enthusiastic as you have been for over 4 years.

Aloha Al :)

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

Thank-you so much for all the help guys. I really do appreciate your advice. I bought the bike from a friend who bought it from a friend LOL. My girlfriend rode it once and crashed it so that was it for her. The person she bought it from did not use it. I think he was an elderly man. I do not have much info on the bike except for what is engraved or comes marked on it. I am so ignorant when it comes to these type things. I just know how to ride it. I am so disappointed that if it gets to be to much of a hassel for me I am just going to sell it. I am so sad I loved this bike an riding it was fun. I live in Victoria and my only transportation is my pedal bike now. I do know many people as I am not from here so I was hoping I could just tell someone at a shop somewhere close to where I live what I need or have someone come by with what I need and pay them. Any idea how much this is going to cost me.

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

ignore this post!

We’ve all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.

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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

Greetings everyone. This will likely be my last post on this bike, which I sold about 5 months ago. I was sad to see it go, but I knew that it was time to upgrade my ride and sell this bike while it had some value. I got $400 for it and sold it to a person who was new in Canada and had to go through a waiting period to receive a driver's license in this country. And the new ride.... the winner is the Motorino XPE http://motorino.ca/motorinoxpe.php Will open a page detailing all my experiences. Happy trails everyone- Dale

We’ve all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.

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Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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Re: Kaishan K500W e-bike review

A Motorino! I'm jealous! Absolutely the cadillacs of ebikes. I have now got a DaVinci, which is definitely a good one. Will look forward to your new thread... Season's greetings to you BTW...


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