Hi everyone!
I'm looking for the latest software for the charger I have. I guess it is a RUNKE despite the sticker says RUNKY
My current software is REV3004 (With MC REV1017),
but it is doing the EQ at 3A. I've heard latest firmware is doing 1A, which would be kinder to my NIMH.
Does anyone have the REV 4010 or latest HEX file with appropriate MC REV to send me?
many thanks!
I'm very interested too!
I found it (REV4000 + MC1021), but it does not work on my Vectrix, very strange behaviour. Here is what is happenning when contact is OFF and I plug the vectrix:
Voltage display: 171V (which is wrong, actual was 144V)
Fuel Gauge: 100% (which is wrong actual was 80%)
I loaded back the old software REV3004, MC 1017, and all worked fine as before.
Anyone faced this issue with REV4000 Software?
Does anyone faced the same issue
I have a dumb question.....is 144v really 80%?? If so, what's 100%?
Actually I don't know what is 100%, I'd guess it is 144V.But when I have the vectrix on, the fuel gauge shows 80% at 144v. It may be a disconnect since the dealer installed the new software and forced the fuel gauge to a wrong level.
Do you know more about this? do you know whether 144v should be 100%. Also do you know whether the fuel gauge is reseted automatically by the charger at full charge or something? Or, if the fuel gauge is wrong I have to manualy (with the scooterdiag) force it to correct value?
No, I don't know...and I'm curious enough to hope that someone answers!
What happens when you turn on the bike with the key? Does it ride normally?
You need to be very careful when loading new SW for the Runke chargers (aka EVPS). There are 2 versions of hardware out there and the SW must match the HW version otherwise the charger will not work and it can be very tricky to get the charger to reprogram (the bike acts as if the key ON vs plug in ON functions are reversed). Unfortunately the only way to know which HW you have is to disassemble the charger, or load the wrong SW! The SW for the old HW has not been maintained by Vectrix so if you have the old HW you must get it upgraded to use the newest SW. The upgrade is pretty simple, a small PCB inside is replaced and several other needed modifications are made.
"CHShot" means charger heatsink hot. But I doubt it is real since it occurs just after plugging it in.
When I turn on the key (cable unplugged) the scoot behave normally, I can ride no problème.
But what i noticed is when I plug the cable in while the key is ON, the charger behave differently than what I discribed earlier, closer to normal behaviour. My only worrie is that the charging goes at 12Amps and the battery fan are OFF, which seems to be a goo receipt to kill the battery by over heat.
What do you mean by "tricky to get the charger to reprogram"? on my side I just loaded the old software and all was working as before, no problem.
May be I have the wrong HW. Do you know where I can find instructions about the upgrade to make in the HW? or someone who could provide them to me?
When I turn on the key (cable unplugged) the scoot behave normally, I can ride no problème.
But what i noticed is when I plug the cable in while the key is ON, the charger behave differently than what I discribed earlier, closer to normal behaviour. My only worrie is that the charging goes at 12Amps and the battery fan are OFF, which seems to be a goo receipt to kill the battery by over heat.
What do you mean by "tricky to get the charger to reprogram"? on my side I just loaded the old software and all was working as before, no problem.
May be I have the wrong HW. Do you know where I can find instructions about the upgrade to make in the HW? or someone who could provide them to me?
You have matching SW and HW at least. Its almost impossible to reprogram if you dont. 4010 was the very first released version of code for the Runke charge. This required the old Runke HW. 4020 required the new Runke HW. Version 3004 I believe was the initial test code when moving from the ESD to the EVPS charger. I dont think it was ever a released SW. The 4000 series was the released versions for the Runke only. The SW for the Runke/Ni is up to the 5000 series now, which definitely requires the new HW.
Also the Runke/Ni pair requires MC1019 or higher. 1017 was for ESD only.
That is interresting information, thanks for thi X Vectrix.
The version I tried is 4000, may be the it is just buggy.... You mentionned Rev 4010, do you have it or know where I could get it?
Thanks for your help,
I dont have it. You would have to get it from Vectrix.
I have v4000(Runke Charger) and v1021(MC) running on my bike. This combination is working excellent (with 1A EQ Charge).
@X Vectrix:

My charger inside looks like this:
Just for info: Can you tell me which HW version I've got?
Best regards
I cant tell from that angle. If you can get a shot of the small vertical PCB I would be able to tell you.
Hi X Vectrix,
Here is mine, can you tell me what version I have and how you determinate it?:
Thank you.....
Old HW. The unpopulated chip on top is a dead give away.
@ X Vectrix: Then this must be the new one, right?
Yes, that is the new HW.
Hello X Vectrix and everyone : happy new year to all of you ! I hope this new year will bring us a more reliable importer in France ...
X Vectrix, I've got a Runke charger (but I don't know the HW version, it has been replaced in 2010), and these SW versions :
ICM : REV 1008
Instrument cluster : Rev D
Battery Charger : REV 4000
Motor Controller : REV 1021
Battery Monitor 1 and 2 : REV 1003
It works just fine, I've got the 1Ah EQ charging stage, and I've got something like 50 kms of range by driving inner city in the traffic jam, never faster than 50kms/h (but lot of stops and starts).
Do you think it's worth to try to get the latest charger SW version from my local dealer (and taking the risk to kill the charger if it is too old to stand it) ? What are the new/upgraded functions of the 5000's charger SW ?
Thanks a lot for your help (by the way, I gave up the 25Ah forced setting and came back to the calculated battery capacity, which is 27,8 Ah in my case) !
April 2010 Vectrix VX-1, 2004 Prius (feeded with E85), Giant Suede (electric bicycle)
Double post - please delete this one.
Hello Richard,
I have also this firmware combination and I am very happy with it. Depending on the riding style I still get about 50-70km range after 20000kms (2009 VX-1 NiMH).
X-Vectrix confirmed, that I have the latest charger hardware version, so I assume that you have the same.
Best regards
Yes, stay with what you have. That SW combo works well. 5000 was the start of some development stuff that morphed into the Li SW.
X-Vectrix do you know whether this behaviour is because I have the old Runke version? if so do you know where I could find the new PCB to upgrade my charger?
Version 1017 and 3004 were for motor controller and ESD charger pair. Are you sure you have a Runky charger? 1019 was the first MC SW when the system had a Runky charger.
Oops guess I should have scrolled up.
I suspect you have a nonreleased version of the 4000 SW or 1021, there are alot of bootlegged versions out there that were meant for internal testing only. As I mentioned above, 3004 was never a released version for charger. Your best bet is probably to have it upgraded by Vectrix. Im not sure if they can upgrade one that old tho.
Hi, interesting thread. There is lithium conversion kits available in Netherland at a reasonalble cost. - And also Runke Charger V3.0..
Guess mine is the old Runke, since it was replaced under guaranty in 2010-11. - Do you know if the new one is needed for lithium?
My Vectrix is 2008, 19 000 km. Power board was also replaced under guaranty. Range is now 30-35 km. Wonder if lithium is worth the investment :)
- Thanks for any infos :)