MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

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MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

[new topic for adding this to the Vectrix Collaborative Handbook?]

Hi all,
The MC Fan is regulating again. What i did is replace 3 components on the MC board, U4 (PS2801), R22 (1K) and Q2 (FDS5670).
U4 is an opto-coupler which receives FAN-PMW signal from the processor and controls the fet Q2. This fet drives the MC fan.
Components can be find on Ebay. Special thanks goes to David, who explained the logic.
For replacing the components, SMD soldering skills is recommended.

U4 and Q2 removed:

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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

Thank hybride for your details!
David is proving to be very helpful!

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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

Good work! Thanks for sharing this.

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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

This information may be used entirely at your own risk.

There is always a way if there is no other way!

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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

My thanks to David an hybride for sharing their knowledge here too.

I bought short time ago a VX with some problems and after I thought to have solved them I made a longer testride.
The temp warning lamp in the dashboard came up and the controller switched off. I could get a "go" again but it was running only slowly driven a short time and than switched off again.
Now I realized that the controller fan wasn't working at any time. Nothing.
I could manage after a break to get slowly back to my home with the VX.
I checked the fan itself at home but it was running from 1,5 to 12V with 0,6 to 3,5 Amps. Was a bit noisy at work so I will exchange the fan now too.
Now I have ordered the PS2801 and a FDS5672 which has lower Ron as the FDS5670. Hope it will stay a bit cooler on the board.
I wanted to remark this here.
I will report if it works or not when I have exchanged the parts.



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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

I took the MC board out of the VX today and made some photos.


I'm missing R22 ? and was astonished to find a resistor clued on top of the Fet Q2 with isolation paint ?
Isolation paint over Q2 has about 1mm !of thickness.
Its not as brown as it looks at the pic.
But everything around U4 seems to be like it should be ?
Has someone here a photo for me how it should look like around Q2 at a good working MC ?
Should R22 be there and no clued resistor on top ? I think so ?

best regards


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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

Nothing wrong here. The original R22 was a smaller SMD component with little wattage. This is a workaround because the PCB space was too little for a bigger wattage SMD resistor. So they glued one on top. It is connected the same way.

Is there a problem with your MC FAN?

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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

Hi hybride,
yes, the fan doesn't work, gets no power anymore.
The fan itself works well, I have checked it with a power supply.
I found an old photo from Mik here where a small R22 ist on its planed place at the board. So that was one of the first board versions ?
I did measure the value of the resistor on top with 500 Ohms . Is that not a bit to low resistance ?
Is that the pull up resistor to + 12V for the gate ? So maybe it will get a bit hot with 12V and 1kOhm or still hoter with 500 Ohms.
I removed the resistor on top already because I want to exchange all parts.
I have orded now 1kOhm for R22, case 1206 with 0,25 Watts. So its not a good idea to solder it at its marked place at the board ?
I am a bit confused now.
Do I need a resistor with 0,5 Watts or more and do I need 1kOhm or 500 Ohms ? With 500 Ohms I see some danger for the opto-coupler coming up because it has to switch 25mA.

Many greetings


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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

Here's the MC FAN circuit. 0,25W should be enough for R22. R22 can be soldered directly on the pins of Q2.


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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

Today we exchanged the 3 mentioned components. The fan workes now again like it should work. Finally I took for R22 1k5 and 0,5Watts, found a nice free place directly on the board to solder it and not on top of the Fet. I took the FDS5672.The Value of R24 could be measured on the board and was ok, so it wasn't exchanged.

Greetings and thanks for the diagram to hybride


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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

Hi There

I have a similar problem to this.

I got the high temp HS hot error and discovered my MC fan was seized. I bought a replacement from the parts place in Poland, fitted it and now I've discovered there is no power to it.

Can you give more info on the repair above or has anyone tired bringing am alternative 12 V supply to the fan?



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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)


first check please if the 12V are present on the board and if the fan is running when you connect it directly to a power supply with 12V or lower voltage.
If that's ok than may be only the components from the here already posted wiring diagram faulty.This are only a few possible components !
Please check than this components and/or exchange them again.

many regards


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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

Thanks Klaus

I dont have the MC board out yet.

I powered the new fan with 12V and it works fine.

I dont know yet where the 12V rail on the MC board are yet.

It looks like I will need to replace the components.



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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

Barry, was the controller hot or cold when you checked for voltage at the fan?

I am only aware of the M/C fan running on mine when it gets warm, so there might not be any voltage to read at the fan connector if the M/C is stone cold.


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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

Independant from if the controller ist cold or not, if you have a "go" and could start going with the scooter the fan should run already but with low rpm. Its not easy than to hear it but you can feel the airflow with your hand in front of the rear wheel. If you than want to start and pull up the throttle you should hear it loudly with its increasing rpm.

many greetings


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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

After I installed new fan I took it for a test drive about 20kms and about 15kms along I got the fault. As I was near a petrol station I drove in and blew compressed air over the fan and the error disappeared. I'm confident its not working, perhaps when the fan seized the corresponding dc short caused the circuit on the mc board to be damaged.

I've ordered the mosfet, opto isolatar and the resistor.

Does the MC controller come out from the fan side?



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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

After I installed new fan I took it for a test drive about 20kms and about 15kms along I got the fault. As I was near a petrol station I drove in and blew compressed air over the fan and the error disappeared. I'm confident its not working, perhaps when the fan seized the corresponding dc short caused the circuit on the mc board to be damaged.

I've ordered the mosfet, opto isolatar and the resistor.

Does the MC controller come out from the fan side?



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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

No Barry,
the MC is mounted with screws in the battery box and is dismounted from there.You have to put out first the rear battery pack .

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Re: MC fan running full speed (solved/repaired)

Hi Guys

I've confirmed that the circuit with Q2 has blown probably when the HS fan seized.

So I'm not keen on taking out the MC board to try to solder surface mount components on it.

I prefer the option of powering the fan with 12V DC directly in an all on the time mode.

Can anyone advise on an easy to access point on top of the MC board where I can get a good 12V feed?

Thanks in advance


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