Maybe some sort of combined location, IP, browser and host identification and blocking should be implemented for those visitors whose interests degrade the spirit of what this forum is used for.
The author of this post isn't responsible for any injury, disability or dismemberment, death, financial loss, illness, addiction, hereditary disease, or any other undesirable consequence or general misfortune resulting from use of the "information" contai
We all know I'm talking about removed... Eye-wink
Well, and now that other guy.....
No, AF, it is YOURSELF you are talking about.
You are the only V-member I can recall who has made disparaging comments regarding my attempts to get the Vectux running despite it's many problems and the poor support from Vectrix Australia, followed by cancellation of the warranty blaming me for damage that they had caused themselves.
Submitted by ArcticFox on Sat, 05/24/2008 - 05:30.
I think you're taking this in the wrong direction, and are concerned with a part of that board which has nothing to do with your problem. I would also strongly suggest you learn soldering and all the features designed into a circuit board before you try and tackle any issues you think may have come up on this. OR, let someone else check things out for you.
Something tells me you're going to end up trashing this thing and will be asking for a refund and/or free replacement - which I can just see the distributor laughing his head off once he sees this thread. Smiling
Here is Mr. Mik's ABC of how you, AF, "degrade the spirit of what this forum is used for":
A) I was heading EXACTLY in the right direction with the controller board repair, despite your attempts at distraction. I just did not repair it radically enough the first time. It took a second attempt to achieve that, by grinding away that part of the board!
B) Your suggestion to learn before trying is ludicrous. It is obvious that I was learning and letting other people check things out for me. That's why I went to the trouble of posting pictures of my dodgy soldering, including microscopic images - because I am not afraid of admitting that I'm far from long as I am working on it!
The other people checking things out for me are those members on V who are different to you: they give constructive criticism rather than disparaging comments!
Here is a prime example:
Mik that soldering is appalling!!!
A bit harsh??? NO WAY! That is what I want, because it was followed by the words:
You have not used enough heat and or flux. You should with enough heat be able to finish up with a nice even ring. Use at least a 100 watt iron and a solder sucker to remove the blobs. use fine scouring pad to clean everything and if you can get hold of a chefs blowlamp with a very fine flame that should even things out. I was taught soldering including silver soldering and brazing and I would have been shot if I tried to present a job like that. If youm haven't the tools please take it to a professional. You will get very poor conductivity and hpoor contact area trying to use the finish you have there.
Unlike your useless posts that could dishearten some people, not me of course. My soldering might well be better than yours by now!
C) The "Thing" was already trash according to those "experts" who act similarly to you, and they wanted about as much money for a replacement controller board as you charge for one of your drop-ship scooters. I fixed it with the help of the V community for next to no cost apart from cost for tools and education, which will serve me and others well for many years to come.
D) You missed (or deliberately ignored) the reason for the "Open Source Vectrix" thread: The fault occurred in the free replacement Vectrix, which was unfortunately worse in most respects than the first one and was further damaged by Vectrix Australia staff. I had already asked for a refund of the purchase price, and they did not laugh their heads off, rather they threatened legal action against V and myself and said their lawyers were looking for "defaming evidence".
I guess a lot of people (almost) laughed their heads off when they saw that, and no-one has ever heard anything from those Vectrix Australia lawyers yet!
I had also quite clearly stated previously that I am not interested in pursuing Vectrix for refunds or warranty works because I have better things to do with my life.
Like getting a reliable EV going.
So I renamed that thing VECTUX and started to fix it, with the help of the members of, and in the spirit of, "V". Despite your "help"!
This is by no means an isolated example of your behavior, you have been very quick in demanding "banning" of a number of contributors over the last 3/4 year at least.
Looks to me like you just don't like it when poor service is exposed.
Mr. Mik
This information may be used entirely at your own risk.
OMG, Mik! Is this what this is all about? Just because I said your soldering skills suck?
Holy smokes - get over it, dude! I work certified in electronics building Class 3 items for one-time use. Everything that goes past me has to be perfect. Period. I've been doing this for 20 years and I'm not use to seeing someone solder for the first time. Watching you drilling/cutting through a board makes me want to pull my hair out. I work with circuit boards that have many layers in them; just lifting pads on some of these is enough to scrap it - that's $10k+ in the hole.
If you've been soldering for only 6 months then I'm sorry for ragging on you.
OMG, Mik! Is this what this is all about? Just because I said your soldering skills suck?
Holy smokes - get over it, dude!
AF, I have long gotten over your comments! Water off a ducks back.
I have better things to do than bicker with you.
Soldering is not what it is all about, as you know, AF, and your comments in that particular post were just one example of how you "degrade the spirit of what this forum is used for".
One of several which I can back up more easily than the others, because I was directly involved.
Here is an example of your approach "voting" to ban someone else:
You are talking about yourself of course !!!
The author of this post isn't responsible for any injury, disability or dismemberment, death, financial loss, illness, addiction, hereditary disease, or any other undesirable consequence or general misfortune resulting from use of the "information" contai
We all know I'm talking about removed... ;)
Well, and now that other guy who can't spell... you know, what's-his-name.
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No, AF, it is YOURSELF you are talking about.
You are the only V-member I can recall who has made disparaging comments regarding my attempts to get the Vectux running despite it's many problems and the poor support from Vectrix Australia, followed by cancellation of the warranty blaming me for damage that they had caused themselves.
Here is Mr. Mik's ABC of how you, AF, "degrade the spirit of what this forum is used for":
A) I was heading EXACTLY in the right direction with the controller board repair, despite your attempts at distraction. I just did not repair it radically enough the first time. It took a second attempt to achieve that, by grinding away that part of the board!
B) Your suggestion to learn before trying is ludicrous. It is obvious that I was learning and letting other people check things out for me. That's why I went to the trouble of posting pictures of my dodgy soldering, including microscopic images - because I am not afraid of admitting that I'm far from long as I am working on it!
The other people checking things out for me are those members on V who are different to you: they give constructive criticism rather than disparaging comments!
Here is a prime example:
A bit harsh??? NO WAY! That is what I want, because it was followed by the words:
Unlike your useless posts that could dishearten some people, not me of course. My soldering might well be better than yours by now!

C) The "Thing" was already trash according to those "experts" who act similarly to you, and they wanted about as much money for a replacement controller board as you charge for one of your drop-ship scooters. I fixed it with the help of the V community for next to no cost apart from cost for tools and education, which will serve me and others well for many years to come.
D) You missed (or deliberately ignored) the reason for the "Open Source Vectrix" thread: The fault occurred in the free replacement Vectrix, which was unfortunately worse in most respects than the first one and was further damaged by Vectrix Australia staff. I had already asked for a refund of the purchase price, and they did not laugh their heads off, rather they threatened legal action against V and myself and said their lawyers were looking for "defaming evidence".
I guess a lot of people (almost) laughed their heads off when they saw that, and no-one has ever heard anything from those Vectrix Australia lawyers yet!
I had also quite clearly stated previously that I am not interested in pursuing Vectrix for refunds or warranty works because I have better things to do with my life.
Like getting a reliable EV going.
So I renamed that thing VECTUX and started to fix it, with the help of the members of, and in the spirit of, "V".
Despite your "help"!
This is by no means an isolated example of your behavior, you have been very quick in demanding "banning" of a number of contributors over the last 3/4 year at least.
Looks to me like you just don't like it when poor service is exposed.
Mr. Mik
This information may be used entirely at your own risk.
There is always a way if there is no other way!
OMG, Mik! Is this what this is all about? Just because I said your soldering skills suck?
Holy smokes - get over it, dude! I work certified in electronics building Class 3 items for one-time use. Everything that goes past me has to be perfect. Period. I've been doing this for 20 years and I'm not use to seeing someone solder for the first time. Watching you drilling/cutting through a board makes me want to pull my hair out. I work with circuit boards that have many layers in them; just lifting pads on some of these is enough to scrap it - that's $10k+ in the hole.
If you've been soldering for only 6 months then I'm sorry for ragging on you.
Can we be friends now?
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AF, I have long gotten over your comments! Water off a ducks back.
I have better things to do than bicker with you.
Soldering is not what it is all about, as you know, AF, and your comments in that particular post were just one example of how you "degrade the spirit of what this forum is used for".
One of several which I can back up more easily than the others, because I was directly involved.
Here is an example of your approach "voting" to ban someone else:
And I do mean it, I have better things to do.
So - you may have the last word, I intend to not reply any further to this thread.
Mr. Mik, over and out.
This information may be used entirely at your own risk.
There is always a way if there is no other way!
You have better things to do? Really?
Then why even reply to this thread which doesn't even concern you? Paranoid?
Ten dash four, good buddy!
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