Vectrix UK

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jdh2550_1's picture
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Re: Vectrix UK

The more i read from 'Marco POLO! the more incredulous I become.I shall reveal my identity and the background to my comments next week ,further more i will lay open the scandalous dishonesty combined with negligence, captured all too often in the rediculous opinions posted by a dissenchanted ,bigotted and largely miss guided individual.
Anyone minded to do so can get a full explanation,of the US INSOLVENCY LAWS,be it CHAPTER 11 with the 363 Process or indeed CHAPTER 7. In any scenario open to the Vectrix business,the comment posted by Marco Polo is clearly 'random nonsense based on neither knowledge of the laws applying nor any true grasp of the VECTRIX POSITION IN ANY COUNTRY.It is simply consistent in its attempt to undermine the Company,its staff and customers,if your reading this and wondering why! this is also very plain to see MARCO POLO leads a group of people who wish to deter any third party from trying to invest in the company via CHAPTER 11,in the random hope that he may profit considerably from aquiring the business rights and ASSETTS,at bargain basement price/ only possible if he succeeds with this "authorative crap" and deters other possible bids!
Not only does this stand to line his pockets,it drastically reduces the possibility of suppliers having a chance to recover monies owed to them.
WILL HE SUCCEED? maybe yes maybe no. BUT DEALING WITH FACTS,he is not informed of the VECTRIX POSITION,his knowledge of insolvency laws both in the Us and Uk is hopeless,or he is grossly missleading or perhaps both? He has a track record as a bully,and has absolutely nothing in his tool box ! except TEMPER ,when challenged.MY ADVICE TO HIM is return safely from Korea,Australia the US or perhaps the NORTH OF ENGLAND,book some serious anger counselling,and prepare to run and hide. There is queue forming of people who will pay good money never to trade with you,and regretably i am not even at the head of it.

Sigh. Here's a perfect example of pouring gasoline onto the flames instead of water.

only possible if he succeeds with this "authorative crap" and deters other possible bids!

I'm curious though - toolbox do you really think that any party seriously considering a bid for Vectrix assets (which has to be a multi-million dollar proposition) is likely to be swayed one way or another by two threads on an enthusiasts forum? The folks considering a bid are far more sophisticated than that, surely? If you can't provide proof now then why not wait until you can?

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.

jmap's picture
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Re: Vectrix UK

Right now I see Marcopolo like a knight fighting against hordes of Orcs. These "next week" creatures are always deeply offended and some times may have the reason on their side but the lack of substance against the pragmatism of the knight make them disappear or be evangelised few weeks later. If this knight is white or black, time will tell, right now he is winning some battles but I don't think that he can influence the "big war" therefore he is not responsible by the outcome.

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Re: Vectrix UK

The more i read from 'Marco POLO! the more incredulous I become.I shall reveal my identity and the background to my comments next week ,further more i will lay open the scandalous dishonesty combined with negligence, captured all too often in the rediculous opinions posted by a dissenchanted ,bigotted and largely miss guided individual.
Anyone minded to do so can get a full explanation,of the US INSOLVENCY LAWS,be it CHAPTER 11 with the 363 Process or indeed CHAPTER 7. In any scenario open to the Vectrix business,the comment posted by Marco Polo is clearly 'random nonsense based on neither knowledge of the laws applying nor any true grasp of the VECTRIX POSITION IN ANY COUNTRY.It is simply consistent in its attempt to undermine the Company,its staff and customers,if your reading this and wondering why! this is also very plain to see MARCO POLO leads a group of people who wish to deter any third party from trying to invest in the company via CHAPTER 11,in the random hope that he may profit considerably from aquiring the business rights and ASSETTS,at bargain basement price/ only possible if he succeeds with this "authorative crap" and deters other possible bids!
Not only does this stand to line his pockets,it drastically reduces the possibility of suppliers having a chance to recover monies owed to them.
WILL HE SUCCEED? maybe yes maybe no. BUT DEALING WITH FACTS,he is not informed of the VECTRIX POSITION,his knowledge of insolvency laws both in the Us and Uk is hopeless,or he is grossly missleading or perhaps both? He has a track record as a bully,and has absolutely nothing in his tool box ! except TEMPER ,when challenged.MY ADVICE TO HIM is return safely from Korea,Australia the US or perhaps the NORTH OF ENGLAND,book some serious anger counselling,and prepare to run and hide. There is queue forming of people who will pay good money never to trade with you,and regretably i am not even at the head of it.

Rant, Rant, snort, Rant...... (yes John, I know feeding them is just silly!).

Hey, Gee... I just realised, somewhere amidst all that tirade of abuse, I just got made the subject of a conspirisy theory!! Well, well, who would have thought it! I should be flattered.

Er, Toolbox, you are always threatening to reveal yourself in a weeks time, the last guy who said he was going to do that, disapeared just before you arrived?

OK, even though I should know better, I will give you this challenge: Show me a single fact, where I am wrong,misleading or deceptive. No, you can't ! Unlike you, I don't claim any "special or inside knowlege". Unlike you, I state either verifiable facts, or challenge claims which turn out to be untrue. That's not bullying, just exposing the truth!

I am not as polite as some others, that's true, but I strive to be accurate! You are quite welcome to disagree with my opinion or conclusions, but if you state that someone is lying, better have more evidence that just abusive ranting.

I am very curious, What have you against people from the North of England?

Oh, and a 'queue of people who will pay good money never to deal with me'!? Promise? Why would I run and hide ? Sounds like a really good business, very low overheads....

I know, I know, .. no more feeding them!


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Re: Vectrix UK

I will give you this challenge: Show me a single fact, where I am wrong,misleading or deceptive. No, you can't !

I would believe far more from Marco Polo if he could get simple facts like the head of Vectrix Europes name correct, it is John Schnorr not "Jim Schoor".
Have you visited The VTC yet as mentioned in an earlier post?
They have stock of spares and new bikes to sell and are open for business as Vectrix has not yet filed for bankrupty, although as I have been away for a few days they might have!
If you have purchased 17 bikes you will have made a nice profit (as a dealer) and should be in a position for youself or your Vectrix trained mechanics to help answer owners technical queries, this would be far more helpful than your crusade against Mike Boyle and his "yes" men.
I do agree with you on many points about Mike Boyle, he is a smile at your face whilst stabbing you in the back person

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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Re: Vectrix UK

I would believe far more from Marco Polo if he could get simple facts like the head of Vectrix Europes name correct, it is John Schnorr not "Jim Schoor".
Have you visited The VTC yet as mentioned in an earlier post?
They have stock of spares and new bikes to sell and are open for business as Vectrix has not yet filed for bankrupty, although as I have been away for a few days they might have!
If you have purchased 17 bikes you will have made a nice profit (as a dealer) and should be in a position for youself or your Vectrix trained mechanics to help answer owners technical queries, this would be far more helpful than your crusade against Mike Boyle and his "yes" men.

Thank you for correcting my Spelling error, although it is rather alarming that is comes from you, not Mr John Schnorr. I would have hoped that he would have replied, even if just to correct this obvious error. But thank you for being his spokesperson. Mr Boyle, CEO of Vectrix states that (sic) Mr Jim Schoor was dismissed as an officer of Vectrix (MD), some months ago, which is why I have been very careful to be fair, and in the absence of confirmation, carefully explain that Mr Schnorr may not even be aware of the claims made in his (mispelt) name.

But before you start accusing me of inaccuracy, where do you get the idea I am a dealer, and have made a nice profit??? If you had bothered to read accurately, you would have discovered that I am not a Vectrix dealer, just a customer like you! (albeit with a few more bikes)! Now exactly how would I make a "nice profit"?

Vectrix survival is not helped by this kind of dissembling. Try to get your fact's right.

I haven't been able to visit VUK, yet as I am still in the far east, but I have written to VUK, as a shareholder, requesting clarification of the trading position. As yet I have received no reply.

If you follow my posts you will find, I have tried to dissuade other from rushing into litigation against dealers and VUK. However, I am aware of, but not party to, complaint(s) made to the UK and US Regulatory Authorities of the irregularities concerning statements and conduct in the affairs of Vectrix LTD. I suppose this is inevitable when a Publicly Listed Company can't ratify it's accounts.

All this does not reflect badly on the hard work of the Vectrix (UK included) engineers, designers or workers. It reflects badly upon the directors and some shareholders. Mr Boyle may have been a bad captain, but he had a lot of support.

Addendum: I have received information from a person claiming to be a VUK employee, (I have no way of verifying this information) who informs me that the VUK employees received their notices and final wages on the 15th of August 2009. Some, including, Mr john Schnorr, are willing to continue on a "Volunteer" basis in the hope that an impending Chapter 11 bankruptcy, will produce a favourable purchaser willing to advance immediate funds to create from the ashes, Vectrix Mark 2 . I really hope this eventuates! . I would love to see such loyalty rewarded! Sadly, I have little confidence, most commercial rescues fail, unless they are backed by giant corporations or governments. (and gocernments usually fail).


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Re: Vectrix UK

Apologies for labeling you a dealer, it would normally be a safe bet that larger sales would be to a dealer - or fleet operator.
This does not alter the fact that 95% of the writings on the death throes of Vectrix is rubbish and has tainted what used to be a good technical forum(to quote), the sooner it returns to being that the better as some of the comments(mine too?) are far too personal.

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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Re: Vectrix UK

Apologies for labeling you a dealer, it would normally be a safe bet that larger sales would be to a dealer - or fleet operator.
This does not alter the fact that 95% of the writings on the death throes of Vectrix is rubbish and has tainted what used to be a good technical forum(to quote), the sooner it returns to being that the better as some of the comments(mine too?) are far too personal.

My apologies also Jethro, actually in a way I am a fleet operator. I bought Vectrix in place of normal ICE fleet vehicles, much to the anger of my fellow, less environ-conscious, directors, and dubious employees.

So perhaps you can understand my consternation at the debacle created by Captain Queeg(Mike Boyle).

As to V being just a technical forum. Well yes, but tell me isn't the forum also about " Electric vehicle related discussion, advocacy, and information" ? If all we discuss is anorak facts about technical minutia, isn't that just a wee bit restricting? I mean, you were motivated enough to valiantly defend John Schnorr !!( oh dear, have spelt it right?). I really admire the passion and loyalty you brought to the EV debate. Is that not just as valid as MIK's dissertations? I believe that it is important that you and I, should also debate the larger issues of EV vehicles, because we are privileged to be the pioneers of a new dawn of technology! Without the EV manufacturers, there would be no technical forum.

Isn't this why you bought an EV? As to the personal comments, believe me this is a very gentile forum in comparison to other Envoronmental forums! Your contribution is valuable, especially as I notice you were among the first to support Mik's rescue concept.



jdh2550_1's picture
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Re: Vectrix UK

Well kudos to jethro and marcopolo - that was almost a civil exchange! (Don't worry I'm only joking - I've really no great interest in being the civility police).


Real reason for posting is to point out that it seems the game plan has changed from a Chapter 7 to a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing. Marcopolo - you're up on these things - care to point out the differences? My very limited knowledge goes something like Chapter 7 is terminal but Chapter 11 is more like a restructuring. Is that any where near right?

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.

Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
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Re: Vectrix UK

I mean, you were motivated enough to valiantly defend John Schnorr

Now I am upset! I would not defend him as he is part of the problem, just another yes man brought in to replace Alex Bamberg after he disagreed with some of the captains policys. John Schnorr was a fund raiser for Vectrix and certainly is not MD material.

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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Re: Vectrix UK

I mean, you were motivated enough to valiantly defend John Schnorr

Now I am upset! I would not defend him as he is part of the problem, just another yes man brought in to replace Alex Bamberg after he disagreed with some of the captains policys. John Schnorr was a fund raiser for Vectrix and certainly is not MD material.

Ah Ha, I see!! Well you would have better knowledge than me on Mr Schnorr! I have stated before that Alex Bamberg seemed to be one of the principle reasons why VUK, functioned at a higher standard than other Vectrix distributorship's. In fact I believe it would not be unfair to describe the departure of Alex Bamberg to be the last restraint on Mike Boyle disastrous management direction.

John, You are correct. Chapter 7, is terminal. Chapter 11 is reserved for companies who can prove either an ability to restructure, in other words if accumulated debt can be removed, the company would be profitable, or the company has a buyer for the business assets and seeks relief while those assets are sold as a going concern, because a delay might dissipate the assets. I believe that Vectrix will probably attempt a Chapter 11 (363) asset sale. But unless the buyer is very well funded manufacturer, the new Vectrix mark 2 will be back in the same position very quickly. There is of course no guarantee that the court will allow Chapter 11, and a lot of factors can alter the scenario. Creditors may object to the arrangement, etc..

It is up to the Court to decide the options. The GM model is a very exceptional circumstance. Because of GM's importance to the national economy, and the nature of GM debt, the US government intervened! I can't see that happening with Vectrix, since the company is not just insolvent, but has never recorded a profit!

Although, that fact won't deter a number of hopeful bidders for the companies assets.

The majority of the bidders will be hoping to resurrect Vectrix by means of an intact asset sale. While it could be argued that a Mark 2 would not carry the burden of development costs, and be better managed, I still doubt the viability of any small manufacturer to continue to market such a product as Vectrix profitably. (but that's just my view, I would be delighted to be proved wrong!)

Addendum: I have just read on another thread the folowing information, (think it is more relevent to this thread)

However since he only took on the dealership late last year he is on a reasonably steep learning curve, so earlier this year I contacted the Americans to see if they could help. They passed me on to UK Service people who advised they would be looking after New Zealand. As I previously stated they have been very helpful in providing advice to myself and the dealer. As you say hopefully these squabbles will be resolved. I just want to get my bike hitting a 50 mile range!

Also regarding the UK I received an email from them this morning stating "..... that we are still here and still working and being paid, also that we are not on notice."

My goodness, this gets better and better, a rebel group in VUK! What VA will make of it is anyones guess, since this would seem to be one of the essential points of turf war litagation conceeded by Vcorp when they lost the litigation against VA. Although I would imagine an argument over three bikes seems pointless! It would appear that VUK is operating independently of VUS, but claiming to be Vcorp! That really is interesting, but in reality very unhelpful to the cause of any buyer of Vectrix except the group around VUK's bid. How all these games aid Vectrix owners everywhere, is beyond me.


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Re: Vectrix UK

Hi All,

I'm a new member of this forum and would like to introduce myself. I put down a deposit for my Vectrix about 3 and a half years ago having ridden a prototype by courtesy of Alex Bamberg, here in the UK. I have owned my Vectrix for around two years and have covered just over 6,000 miles on it, mostly in the countryside, so it gets to fully stretch its legs almost daily!. And I have to say that two years on I still enjoy every single minute of riding it, no other bike in 35 years of riding has retained the grin factor this long!

I have been watching this thread with interest. One thing that seems to unite just about every Vectrix owner I have met or conversed with online is a totally positive attitude towards the bike and the company, albeit laced with a little fear for the future of late. I'd like to add my thoughts to this thread if I may:

1. Starting a business like Vectrix was never going to be easy. This is a new product, in a new market, the toughest of all marketing challenges as students of Ansoff and his matrix will recognise. This is not like starting another "me-too" business where you can learn from the mistakes of others.

2. A specific comment on MarcoPolo's point about Vectrix's profitability. It would be almsot unheard of for a company in the motor manufacturing sector to make a profit at this early stage in its life. I believe the new Triumph motorcycle business did not make a profit until 10 years after its first bike was launched. So if that comment was supposed to be critical of Vectrix , it's a very weak argument indeed.

3.I would like to add my endorsement of Vectrix UK, they have been the best I have ever dealt with in terms of after sales service and support. My bike came back washed and polished from its last service and they have bent over backwards to help every time I have been in contact with them. To imply that they are trading illegally in some way is clearly utter rubbish, and as an independent observer of this thread I do wonder about the motivation of those that expend so much time and energy apparently seeking to badmouth Vectrix at every opportunity.

4. I'm only a newbie but my last point is that someone once said thare are two types of people: "Radiators" and "Drains". It seems to me that what Vectrix needs now is lots of Radiators and rather fewer Drains, and I would like to invite the Drains to go and be Drains somewhere else! Purely from my personal perspective you add little, if anything of any use here.

5. Best bit of riding a Vectrix? Riding into petrol station to inflate the tyres and looking at the faces of people as I swish past them while they are filling up with petrol! :-)

Keep it shiny side up!


Keep it shiny side up!

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Re: Vectrix UK

All good points Hubcap, bit confused about point 5 though - is your vectrix making a funny noise, or do you wear odd clothing?

When I pull up anywhere with people around, they dont pay any attention and just carry on with what they are doing generally.

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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Re: Vectrix UK

Hi All,

I have been watching this thread with interest.One thing that seems to unite just about every Vectrix owner I have met or conversed with online is a totally positive attitude towards the bike and the company, galbeit laced with a little fear for the future of late. I'd like to add my thoughts to this thread if I may:

1. Starting a business like Vectrix was never going to be easy. This is a new product, in a new market, the toughest of all marketing challenges as students of Ansoff and his matrix will recognise. This is not like starting another "me-too" business where you can learn from the mistakes of others.

2. A specific comment on MarcoPolo's point about Vectrix's profitability. It would be almsot unheard of for a company in the motor manufacturing sector to make a profit at this early stage in its life. I believe the new Triumph motorcycle business did not make a profit until 10 years after its first bike was launched. So if that comment was supposed to be critical of Vectrix , it's a very weak argument indeed.

3.I would like to add my endorsement of Vectrix UK, they have been the best I have ever dealt with in terms of after sales service and support. My bike came back washed and polished from its last service and they have bent over backwards to help every time I have been in contact with them. To imply that they are trading illegally in some way is clearly utter rubbish, and as an independent observer of this thread I do wonder about the motivation of those that expend so much time and energy apparently seeking to badmouth Vectrix at every opportunity

I am glad you enjoy riding your Vectrix. Alex Bamberg also introduced me to Vetrix, odd therefore, don't you think, that he was fired by Vectrix?

I am not exactly sure what you mean by expecting a new business to keep losing money? All business exists to make money! Business only has three sources of income, investor capital, government subsidies, or profits!
When the company runs out of these three, it ceases to exist! (That leaves just the unfortunate creditors.)

It would appear that we have a lot of new contributors to this thread, almost all from the UK. Now this invites three explanations (1) The good Vectrix owners of UK are so loyal to VUK that they are uniting in indignation at my outrageous desire for the truth. (2) The VUK staff and supporters have a lot of time on their hands to invent "white wigs" and other nom de plumes,(3) A few genuine contributors who have experienced good service by VUK, especially in Alex Bamberg's day, mixed with a lot of 'ghosts'? Who knows?

But,hubcap, do you really believe all owners are united in their admiration for the company?, and equally united in appreciation that the Vectrix has no defects ?? Have you actually read the comments, not just by me, complaining of product deficiencies and bad management by Vcorp?

WE ALL LOVE THE CONCEPT, that's why we bought a Vectrix!Our complaint is about the execution!

Consider, if what you claim is correct, then Vectrix is a healthy prosperous enterprise, not facing bankruptcy.

One last note, I marvel at all these UK defenders of VUK, but not one of them has put his name down for MIK's rescue fund. Nor, I notice has VUK offered support, unlike some US and Australian Dealers.


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Re: Vectrix UK

Ahem. I signed up for Miks concept an age ago. It was one of my first posts on this forum. I'm pretty sure that there were a few other VUK supporters on there as well.

I'm also going to VUK tomorrow to have a problem with my kill switch fixed, something I called up about this morning - not bad service, next day. Shall I take my camera and a copy of tomorrow's paper to pose with?

Granted, VUK have not offered support for MIK's fund (to my knowledge) but at least I will have my bike fixed - that's also support (selfish, if you like but as I have already offered £500 to MIK's fund I feel entitled).

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Re: Vectrix UK

@ Hubcap, Hi and welcome to the forum.

What a breath of fresh air from you in this increasingly tiresome thread which just seems to be doing more harm than good by dividing our members.


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Re: Vectrix UK

Thank you Simon

Keep it shiny side up!

jdh2550_1's picture
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Re: Vectrix UK

2. A specific comment on MarcoPolo's point about Vectrix's profitability. It would be almsot unheard of for a company in the motor manufacturing sector to make a profit at this early stage in its life. I believe the new Triumph motorcycle business did not make a profit until 10 years after its first bike was launched. So if that comment was supposed to be critical of Vectrix , it's a very weak argument indeed.

I think one of the MAJOR mistakes of Vectrix and other folks is the assumption that the market is ready for a main stream, large volume producer. Everyone (including marcopolo) seems fixated on the need for mass production from the very start. Vectrix had production capacity of 12,000 bikes per year in the US and 38,000 bikes per year in Poland. All this for a new unproven technology.

My belief is that it's going to take a different approach to succeed in the EV market. In this day and age you don't need to build your own factory from the ground up to produce everything for you. Globalization is your friend. You do need to keep a clear focus on logistics and where most value is added to the end product. Once the EV market is seeded with innovators and early adopters then (and only then) is the time to attempt to "cross the chasm" to mainstream adoption.

What I want to know is how Vectrix managed to raise enough capital to get as far as they did! How many bikes per year did their projections call for?

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.

RaDy's picture
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Re: Vectrix UK

Welcome Hubcap, i liked your points of view. Once again someone writes about the pleasures of the Vectrix and its possitive things.

Marcopolo, even though you might be right about Vectrix Dissapearing, and that their product is not perfect, (like so many other products!!! I can think of 2 examples, not long ago Daimler Benz had a huge quality problem and CEO was Fired, same with Mitsubishi.)So what i am trying to say is that no matter what happens to Vectrix and how much you post to discuss everyones point of view and experiences (because you have surely overtaken over these forums which are going to be renamed M for Marcopolo),the point is that the possitive things of the Vectrix beat the negative things and that makes many of us love the Vectrix no matter what.
So if Vectrix file for chapter 11 and someone rescues it and makes a VX-1 mk2 , then i will probably buy one because of how satisfied i am with my Vec.
If Vectrix dissapears then i will have paid the price to be one of the first people to ride and owe a mass produced EV!! Life is short and maybe some people shouldnt wait to savour this pleasure, and i am not saying this because i am old, im in my early thirties, i am saying it because its a real joy to drive the Vectrix and a real and true way of feeling freedom...of gasoline,oil,spark plugs,noise,smoke etc....

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Re: Vectrix UK


Still gurgling I see. To answer you points, just this one time...

"I am glad you enjoy riding your Vectrix. Alex Bamberg also introduced me to Vetrix, odd therefore, don't you think, that he was fired by Vectrix?"
People get fired everyday, some firings are fair, some not. It's normal business life. I was very saddened to see Alex go, but that's the extent of it.

I am not exactly sure what you mean by expecting a new business to keep losing money?
Please don't distort what I said, you may care to read again the exact wording of my post.

It would appear that we have a lot of new contributors to this thread, almost all from the UK. Now this invites three explanations (1) The good Vectrix owners of UK are so loyal to VUK that they are uniting in indignation at my outrageous desire for the truth. (2) The VUK staff and supporters have a lot of time on their hands to invent "white wigs" and other nom de plumes,(3) A few genuine contributors who have experienced good service by VUK, especially in Alex Bamberg's day, mixed with a lot of 'ghosts'? Who knows?

You do seem to invent a lot of windmills to tilt at MarcoPolo!.
(1)For the record, I'm pleased to report that just about all the posts on the Yahoo Vectrix Owners forum (which I moderate with a light touch) are positive during and after Alex's time. I'll mention this thread in that forum. You say you have a desire for the truth yet an amount of what you have written here is not fact.
(2) So MarcoPolo's your real name and not a nom de plume then?
(3) Ghosts - who knows, how do we know you are a not a ghost, MarcoPolo?

Lastly you are disingenuous in trying to imply that the statements you make and the questions you ask are my beliefs. My beliefs are as I wrote them not how you responded!

Anyway, enough of this, I'm beginning to feel to much like a drain! I'm going back to being positive!

Keep it shiny side up!


Keep it shiny side up!

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Re: Vectrix UK

, I think one of the MAJOR mistakes of Vectrix and other folks is the assumption that the market is ready for a main stream, large volume producer. Everyone (including marcopolo) seems fixated on the need for mass production from the very start. Vectrix had production capacity of 12,000 bikes per year in the US and 38,000 bikes per year in Poland. All this for a new unproven technology.

I agree with your observation John. My comments are in the context of Vectrix and its ambitions. I believe that it is indeed possible for small makers to produce adaptations using existing basic technology and then adding what ever special and unique features to produce a low volume product.

But that isn't what Vectrix was about. Vectrix was an attempt to create a large scale, mass produced, consumer ready quality vehicle, that could reach a world-wide market.

The enormous investment required and the very small sales results, may tend to prove your assertion that the market doesn't yet exist. But, then again, it might also be argued that Vectrix could have succeeded with better management. That is exactly the crux of the debate.

Sorry, Sparker, of course you responded to Mik,s support thread. I apologise if you thought my observations were addressed to you!


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Re: Vectrix UK

Apology graciously accepted. My chequebook is at the ready!

I shall be watching with interest how the Nissan Leaf, which is aiming for a mass market, develops. I hope that will drive interest in EVs from consumers and investors. Intriguing concept, LEASING the battery rather than owning. That makes for another revenue stream and reduces the overall purchase price, if you are confident in the battery technology.

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Points: 837
Re: Vectrix UK

In view of all the passion this thread seems to have attracted, it may help to promote understanding if the various sides of the debate were clear about my motives.

My interest in why Vectrix has failed financially, and examining the motivations of both Vectrix supporters and detractors, will be very important for any future EV makers and investors. (even a Vectrix 2 !).

I am not the enemy! In fact I am probably Vectrix largest individual customer. I am also an investor. Initially, like all owners I loved the promise of the Vectrix. I still enjoy riding Vectrix .

The difference between myself and those supporters of VUK, is I don't like the corporate result! I see the facts, without emotion, of a corporation that has failed after losing more than $ 400 million, and sold less than 3000 bikes world wide. I believe it is important to know why! This maybe painful, but it is the process by which we learn.

If Vectrix were an ICE, or any other electric appliance made by an established major manufacturer, would anyone accept this corporate behaviour? If, and this is the important bit, we allow Vectrix to set the standard of EV quality control and corporate behaviour at such a low level, the mainstream consumer public will never accept EV technology until Honda, Toyota, or Mitsubishi prove it trustworthy.

Which brings me to VUK. It seems(if this forums any guide) that the most enthusiastic defenders of Vectrix appear to come from the UK. Therefore, I think it's legitimate to ask why? If you take away all the passion, there are a number of explanations. I don't know for sure, I can only speculate, but deductive reasoning is all we have!

Vectrix UK, was, and although this is not clear, still claims to be directly owned by its US Parent. Since the US parent is more or less defunct, why is VUK still operating?. Setting aside the legalities, it would appear that VUK service and initial quality control of delivered product was of a much higher standard, than non-Cicatrix owned dealer/distributors around the world. Certainly the only really large numbers of supporters seem to come from UK.

Now, if you are not a resident of the UK, wouldn't you be asking, Hey, how come these guys are still functioning when the US head office is not, an my dealer is paralysed or selling bikes at a loss on e-bay?

Imagine if Toyota, for no explicable reason, decided to only continue service of a particular model in, say, Norway, and just abandon the rest of customers around the world? If EV manufacturers are to be respected, and trusted, they must follow the same business principles as everyone else. A Vectrix customer is still a Vectrix customer, no matter if he hails from, California, Spain, Australia, NZ or where ever Vectrix sold bikes with warranty. Why is an owner outside UK,second class?

This thread was started by VUK, or someone purporting to be VUK, speaking for Vcorp. All I asked for was a little clarification. Since then I have received a lot of passion, and personal testimonials as to the virtues of VUK staff, but no actual (well no authentic) replies to my original questions.

If VUK, is under the control of Vcorp, then it owes everyone, not just the select few who visit VUK, an explanation. Why not simply publish it, and that would be that!! Why all the coyness?

If John is right, and the world was not ready for a mass produced, high priced, EV product like Vectrix, its maybe understandable that Vectrix only found real acceptance in the congested UK, where small cars and scooters have long been excepted and journeys relatively short . Other factors such as climate and close proximity to the best engineers may also be a factor of VUK success. Maybe VUK was able to deliver such performance, because VUK, being vectrix owned, had resources and product information, unavailable elsewhere. This is all just speculation, because we have no real information from Vectrix.

If VUK were just a dealer/distributor, I would have no issue, and would think UK owners fortunate to have such a dedicated dealer! If that is the case, why not say so?

Pleasant conversations about, how if we all just have faith and don't say bad things, knowing our place and only discussing non-controversial, small anorak issues, will only result in exactly the same fate as the horse in Animal Farm!

None of the above should prevent you from enjoying the experience of owning a Vectrix, just as long as its running OK.


Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
Joined: Monday, March 24, 2008 - 23:05
Points: 104
Re: Vectrix UK

Hey Marco
Love reading your posts.
So logical, so guaranteed to bring the lunatic fringe out of the woodwork with pitchforks and burning torches to howl you down.

Keep it up, what fun!!!!!


RaDy's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 week ago
Joined: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 - 03:16
Points: 334
Re: Vectrix UK

Very well explained Marcopolo,
By the way im from Spain and the dealer here keeps selling and servicing Vx-1, and is probably one of the few places where they have presented and going to sell the Vx-2. As you might have info on the fate of the Vx-2, i would like to ask you about it, is it on sale, have they made any or is there stock somewhere?(I ask you because i noticed you mentioned about stock lists and other info)
So it is very clear that we should separate our passion for the VX1 from they way the company has been managed and the fate of it. But why when someone who seems to be "official" you jump at their neck? Wouldnt it be smarter to get close to him silently and then grab him? You could have let VUK answer so many questions and doubts about warranties,spare parts, possible future etc.. little by little but you scared them. I think it wasnt a very intelligent move no matter what truth and laws you were fighting for.We have X VECTRIX and maybe other "official" which are helping out alot (i am really going to put his Battery recharging scheme for getting as mush as possible out of it, cover the front holes and not to hard regen under very hot temps) i just hope he doesnt frightened away by anyone.
I think that your comments and points are very valid but sometimes are provoking in existing Vectrix owners a sort of "range Anxiety" in the sense that Vectrix wont respond and that they are not going to honour any warranty etc.. If it is going to be so then we will have to accept it but for the moment we still have to wait and see the outcome.
By the way i cant get an official list of clients in Spain for Miks rescue Fund, they cannot supply it. What i can do is get a list of all the owners i know, if thats of any use? I will comment to them about the Rescue Fund.
One last question, as a fleet buyer and person who knows about EV´s i would like to ask you what other EV would you propose for possbile EV buyers (4wheel or 2 wheel). (CuMoCo i have already checked)

Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
Joined: Sunday, May 10, 2009 - 04:33
Points: 837
Re: Vectrix UK

Very well explained Marcopolo,
By the way im from Spain and the dealer here keeps selling and servicing Vx-1, and is probably one of the few places where they have presented and going to sell the Vx-2. As you might have info on the fate of the Vx-2, i would like to ask you about it, is it on sale, have they made any or is there stock somewhere?(I ask you because i noticed you mentioned about stock lists and other info)
So it is very clear that we should separate our passion for the VX1 from they way the company has been managed and the fate of it. But why when someone who seems to be "official" you jump at their neck? Wouldnt it be smarter to get close to him silently and then grab him? You could have let VUK answer so many questions and doubts about warranties,spare parts, possible future etc.. little by little but you scared them. I think it wasnt a very intelligent move no matter what truth and laws you were fighting for.We have X VECTRIX and maybe other "official" which are helping out alot (i am really going to put his Battery recharging scheme for getting as mush as possible out of it, cover the front holes and not to hard regen under very hot temps) i just hope he doesnt frightened away by anyone.
I think that your comments and points are very valid but sometimes are provoking in existing Vectrix owners a sort of "range Anxiety" in the sense that Vectrix wont respond and that they are not going to honour any warranty etc.. If it is going to be so then we will have to accept it but for the moment we still have to wait and see the outcome.
By the way i cant get an official list of clients in Spain for Miks rescue Fund, they cannot supply it. What i can do is get a list of all the owners i know, if thats of any use? I will comment to them about the Rescue Fund.
One last question, as a fleet buyer and person who knows about EV´s i would like to ask you what other EV would you propose for possbile EV buyers (4wheel or 2 wheel). (CuMoCo i have already checked)

You may well be right, I am sometimes just too forthright and blunt. I suppose I should be more subtle!

As to other EV Vehicles, I can only recommend Smith Electric, (Ford), but maybe these vehicles are too large for your needs!

John at CoMoCo, seems to at least know his stuff, I shall certainly purchase a text example from him, and report to you on it's performance. I believe in the next year a whole range of exciting vehicles are due to be released, and you are to be congratulated for being one of the enlightened pioneers!

Lots of Luck,

We live in exciting times!

Addendum; Yes your contacts would be very useful! So kind of you to go to the trouble, perhaps if you emailed them to join the website and pledge support, that would be great!


Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 - 14:15
Points: 79
Re: Vectrix UK

Ahem. I signed up for Miks concept an age ago. It was one of my first posts on this forum. I'm pretty sure that there were a few other VUK supporters on there as well.

I'm in the same camp as sparker... Not all of us feel the need to be anything other than moderate. I've had nothing but pleasure from my V for the last two years, I have no reason to feel bad about it or the company now. VUK are still contactable and helpful, so from a UK perspective, everything in our garden is rosy...

Of course, things may change and the V may break a component that I can't fix easily. I'm not going to fill my life worrying about it though - life's too short!



jdh2550_1's picture
Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago
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Re: Vectrix UK

Good words Brian the snail (BTW, is that a magic roundabout reference?? Brian was always my favorite character!)

Marco - unfortunately we'll only be selling in the US initially. But I'm sure a man of your talents can figure out how to export one for private use...

John H. Founder of Current Motor Company - opinions on this site belong to me; not to my employer
Remember: " 'lectric for local. diesel for distance" - JTH, Amp Bros || "No Gas.

Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 - 14:15
Points: 79
Re: Vectrix UK

Good words Brian the snail (BTW, is that a magic roundabout reference?? Brian was always my favorite character!)

It is indeed! I absolutely adored The Magic Roundabout, but Dillon was my favourite.

Jim Knopf
Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: Thursday, July 16, 2009 - 08:05
Points: 39
Re: Vectrix UK

I do like Dougal

Martina Engels

Last seen: 10 years 2 weeks ago
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Points: 86
Re: Vectrix UK

Well, yesterday I had the pleasure of riding to VUK (nice 19 mile cross country route), where they fixed my dodgy kill switch and a couple of other minor niggles, efficiently and quickly AND under warranty. The electricity is still on as my bike was also charged up for the return trip, though I could have probably made it back. Not wanting to be nominated as the spokesperson for Vectrix owners (sorry chaps) I didn't grill them too much. It is a difficult situation and they do not know much at all about what is going on. All I can say is that they are there and doing what they can with what spares they have - the priority is definitely supporting existing warrantied owners. I have no doubt that if I had big battery problems that they would have struggled to sort me out, due to the difficult conditions they are working under and shortage of spares. I had the privilege of riding a prototype VX 2 and saw the 3 wheeler put through its paces. The smile on my face and the warm glow in my stomach as I rode away is testament that, at least in my case, Vectrix did get it right with the product AND the service. I've just done 4,200 miles in just under a year and am getting a 38 - 45 mile range (touching wood and keeping everything crossed). It was a pleasure to spend the morning there yesterday. I do have some photos, as a novice poster I just need to work out how to upload them!


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