I just uploaded a new moped page onto my site - it's a gas powered one, 60MPH@~110miles/tank. I was seriously looking into the XM-2000, but I just don't think it has the range or speed I need for the type of driving I do in a day. So I'm thinking gas-powered is the way to go.
Now I've really wanted to keep only electric vehicles on my site, but there are only so many I have access to. I've put up the usual gas-powered scooters and will be putting up gas mopeds and ATVs soon.
I love you guys and appreciate all you've done for me, but if I start selling gas-powered things on my site will you still respect me in the morning? Or, should I just start packing my bags?
I think most of us have gas vehicles.. I sure do. I'm sure we are all familiar with the justification tradeoffs that go into choosing whether to drive the gas guzzler or an electric. And generally until the Li-ION possibilities are affordable enough, this tradeoff is really slanted to the gas burners, unfortunately.
But, still, V is for Voltage... this site is about electric vehicles. Gas burners have plenty of places of discussion. As far as I'm concerned, the purpose of V is to provide a place that talks about vehicles using electrons.
So long as you don't bring your gas burner vehicles for discussion here; why would we care what you do in your own business or web site? If any of us were bannable for having gas vehicles, this site would be pretty lonely. And, actually, wouldn't be running because I wouldn't be able to run the site (as I'd be banned). But I'm just the webmaster, there are others in the leadership team who might have a different opinion.
- David Herron, http://davidherron.com/
- David Herron, The Long Tail Pipe, davidherron.com, 7gen.com, What is Reiki
While I don't own a stinking gasser, I know many otherwise intelligent people who do. As a matter of fact some of my best friends... where was I?
I have absolutely no problem with what you do with your own website. If you chose to sell a mix of EVs and ICEs that's your business. I'm surprised anyone can make a living selling only EVs.
Full time ebiker
BionX and Wilderness Energy
"we must be the change we wish to see in the world"
First and foremost you are a valued member of our V is for Voltage Community, and unless you had so many infractions of our Policies, you will never be banned.
What you put on your site is up to you.
Unlike the old Forum we do discuss Hybrid Systems, which was not allowed on the old Forum, and could get you banned, we don't do that. Hybrid's address a part of our Mission Statement being created by our V is for Voltage Community Members just as EV's do.
Can you post or discuss Gas Scooters here? No they go against so many parts of our Mission Statement, they would be removed.
If you have them on your site, and people go there on there own no problem, but there can be no discussion of them here unless it's some type of rebuttal about a statement made about them you want to comment on, even that will be well monitored and controlled so it doesn't get out of hand.
BTW, Ditto to what reikiman said.
Any questions or clarifications, please feel free to contact us.
Board Moderator
Moderators are your dedicated volunteer V Team members who help keep your V Forums running smoothly and provide you with Forum Support.
Board Moderator
As one of the co-owners of the V is for Voltage site I would also like to say we are not here to tell anyone how to run their own business, so what you do one your own site is your business and not ours. We do ask you keep your post in-line with our forum. We also ask that you continue to be the valued member you have become on our site. Thanks for your concern and good luck.
On a personal note; I would rather see people driving small gas scooters and parking their SUVs, so a small gas scooter is still doing some good to reduce our dependency on big oil.
Chas S.
My Bicycle Pages
Please keep some electrics up. Neither type of vehicle is "better", and having both is certainly better than having just a gasser.
Avatar taken from http://www.electricmotorbike.org/
Anyone got one they want to sell?
My KZ750 Project: here
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/587-my-kz750-electric-motorcycle-project]KZ750 Motorcycle Conversion[/url]
[url=/forum-topic/motorcycles-and-large-scooters/588-fixing-my-chinese-scooter]900 watt scooter[/url]
Pic from http://www.electri
No Ditto, Ditto, Ditto, Ditto.
Best Regards,
George J. Jones, Jr.
Domain Registrant/Co-Owner
georgejjonesjr [at] visforvoltage.org
Best Regards,
George J. Jones, Jr.
Domain Registrant
Honest people, forgive me, I had almost forgotten they had existed.
Well, I better come clean.
Building my electric bike has reduced my gasoline usage from 12 gallons of gas a month to about 3.75 gallons a month in my personal vehicle. I use this car to and from work at Home Depot, shopping etc.
My business vehicle, uh, uh oh, 1 ton diesel, oh, about 60 gallons a month.
My other diesel, 3/4 ton, ohhhhhh, pretty neeeear, 800 gallons a month.
If, my electric bike could get to my shop, it can't, even though it is only 13 miles away, there just is not a way to ride a bike there safely, diesel #1 would stay at the shop and I would save probably 30 gallons of diesel, a month.
I am going to build John Bidwells "Rebel", an electric motorcycle. When this is done I will ride it to my shop.
Rounding things off, having 2 electric vehicles, I would be able to save about 40 gallons of fuel a month. I use about 900 gallons a month. I'll save about 5% of my fuel bill.
My "cheetah" is my experiment into what electric can do. I am very impressed using lead acid as the fuel tank. But, wait, look at this pic.
In the above picture, that second sprocket is for a little gasoline powered motor sold
by Stanton. I can't mount it and be legal as a bicycle without pedals, so on the other side of my e-bike's hub is a standard freewheel.
When I get time, I will figure out a way to add pedals, then a gas motor, which is legal on a pedal equiped bike in Texas. My Sister lives in Mesquite Texas 22 miles away, I can ride my e-bike to her house, using a gas motor as a backup, oh, well, jee willakers, maybe the gas will be so fun I pretend to pedal on the way there.
Artic Fox, My lake house is a 100 miles away, I can't get there electric, I could probably get there on a gallon of gas on one of your gas powered scooters, talk to me, I might be interested .
` :?
Is that what they call a ICE?
Peace Out,
Now that we have clarified our beliefs, your invited to join us as we begin building on them to define our Community Mission Statement
Peace Out, <img src="http://tinyurl.com/ysafbn">