I just pulled the battery spec sheet for those batteries, it really makes no sense why they stacked them 2 1 2 instead of just 3 on the bottom and 2 on top to get that weight down in the bottom of the bike where it belongs.
The batteries are the same case size as the XM per the sheet but each weigh 2.5 pounds more, they have 78% of the capacity of the silicone batteries but the same capacity as the low cost HAZE batteries in my other XM, but the Z battery is a full 4 pounds heavier than that battery. Hopefully that added weight is lead for longer life.
To clarify the concern about the controller and fan getting wet, if the road is wet, the front tire sheds water spray right into the the top of the plastic floorboard which moves as a fine mist of water completely through the bike under the seat exiting the rear above the frame just below the rear of the seat. The controller and fans have been placed directly in the flow of this mist laden air when the bike is moving at about 25 mph so it is going to get drenched.
[b]Disclaimer: [i]Free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it[/i] :)[/b]
Well, I must agree with USATracy and others. I'd be very disappointed if I had bought one of these scooters. Following is some comments in response to several of the posts in this thread...
Responding to ArticFox's comment about XBs having alarms...I don't think my XB600 has any kind of "alarm" system. If it does I haven't found it! It has a locking steering but nothing other than that for theft prevention...I don't think.
A comment about broken throttle cables....
The black wire in the throttle cable on my "boreem" type Freedom 36v scoot somehow broke not long after I got the scoot. I discovered the problem one day when turning the scoot on...which resulted in full power to the motor instantly! I had it parked on a loading dock near where I work and you should have seen me "fighting" this raging scooter. I wasn't sitting on the scooter when I turned the key switch on...but standing beside it with my one hand on the handlebars and the other turning the switch on. Somehow I very quickly reacted and grabbed both handlebars. I didn't have time to turn the key switch back off. And I'm wrestling this beast trying not to let go of it...swaying rapidly from side to side cause the front wheel is almost vertical in the air with rear wheel on the floor. And during all this my brain finally tells me "grab the brake lever and pull it since that will cut power!" I did and the monster suddenly died! I found the culprit throttle wire just squeezing and bending the bundled, insulated wires and opened up the problem area and found the bad one...at the location where it was broken. Soldered it back together, wrapped it back up, and all was good again. Months later the throttle went out completely...but guess it was the throttle itself cause scooter just stopped with no power. Replaced the throttle with a new one and it's been fine since. I just always wanted to figure something out to prevent this in the future if that black wire ever broke again...without my knowledge. Something that would cause the scooter to simply not go...rather than full power to the motor! But then I got my XB600 and although I still have the Freedom scoot and ride it from time to time...don't worry about it anymore. Just make sure my hand is on the brake when I turn the key on...ready to pull the lever just in case!
Comment regarding wiring runs on scoots....
I've found on the several scoots I've owned that the wiring runs are not the "smartest." Although they have wire ties holding them I've seen all kinds of potential problems...even on my XB600...which I've remedied. On my XB600 I've place a couple of "rubber pads" here and there to keep wires from "rubbing" ...moved a couple of wires to give more "slack" in areas where they have to be really flexible, etc. The lesson I've learned is look over the wiring on a new scoot before doing much riding and check for problem areas where the wiring might rub, be twisted, pulled, etc. Then remedy the problems as soon as possible. Otherwise, you're going to have a broken wire somehwere sooner than later!
Regarding the Z, XM2000, and the XB600...different animals I know but still some comparisons....
From what we know so far about the Z...sounds like the quality control, design, etc. is not as good as the scoots that xtreme sells. At least most xtremes run new, out of the box. I think I'd rather deal with broken plastic from poor packing than bad controllers, etc. Course the XM2000 did have some problems as you all that own them have worked out. Now, that brings me to my XB600. I've had it for about 6 months. I ride it weekly...have about 500 miles on it...short rides (2-5 miles) most of the time. So far everything is good....and I so enjoy riding it. It's just great. Not particularly fast...but solid and so far dependable. Keeping my fingers crossed that it keeps being problem free. But it makes me wonder. If in fact it continues to be very reliable...as it has so far...then did the China factory/company making it just "luck out" or did they actually do alot more thinking and testing before delivering the product? Makes me wonder...hmmmmm
then did the China factory/company making it just "luck out" or did they actually do alot more testing before delivering the product?
When you look at what EVT America did, it really was a dumb move, as I understand it.
I will forego commenting further on all of the years of testing, development and midstream changes and the final scrapping of everything for off the shelf components and a bike design that for the most part was never part of the works and was just "settled on" in the 11'th hour.
Then they physically GO to China, and presumabley someone sets up a factory overnight and gets workers to build "a run" of scooters. And they do it and they ship them.
This all occurs rapidly from September to December and includes the testing of the bikes, because all previous domestic testing is out the window since that was not the bike the built in the end.
And the bikes are all assembled by who knows what level of technical expertise personnel and we have no idea what QA was being performed in this thrown together environment where the pressure to deliver was enmormous since completion schedules were being missed weekly and all this time EVT managemet personnel are being house in China and testing of a prototype is happening while bikes are being built.
This was a really dumb venture and execution and is a textbook example of how not to go about doing soemthing like this.
EVT could have just gone to any number of scooter makers in China and spec'd the bike to their needs, YOU would have paid a little more, and the return in value would have been hige compared to the quality ans value of what has ben delivered.
If an XM and a Z were on EBay used, I wouldnt even consider the Z, except as a parts machine for a very low cost and only if it were a local pickup. There are plenty of junky scooters in this class, and the Z now joins them.
[b]Disclaimer: [i]Free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it[/i] :)[/b]
Gushar: I know nothing of an alarm. The XB-600 has no alarm. Luck. Or karma. :)
Shouldn't shorting wires cause a fuse to blow? Not make the scooter run uncontrolled?
I think whatever, I may be siding with the Z20 since the XM2k had been such a major headache for me as a dealer. I know nothing about the Z20 except for what I read here. I'm still in a state of denial.
usatracy: You have been very helpful on the forum and I want to thank you for that.
I may be in the minority over time, but for the $2350 total I spent on the Z I think I got a good deal. I ran the speed-o past the 50 mph indicated limits on the way to work today. I didn't carry the GPS this morning but I am guessing that I was doing over 40 mph. This was the first ride I had taken that was any real distance. It is 5.5 miles to work. I am disappointed a bit that I had to break it down and fix this routing problem, but all in all I am also a bit happy about having to tinker with it. This is where my experience and others may vary.
I have an eGo cycle 2 as well and it had a brush short in the motor within the first 15 miles. Took 2 weeks to get the scooter fixed by the local dealer. The fact that Andy and others at EVT are engaged and working with the end users goes a long way in my book. Over time we may find that I have a "good" Z and that the quality is quite bad otherwise. Time will tell. But without a larger sample size I am not sure we can say right now. I still think I got a good deal and I have a group of people at EVTA that are trying to make things work in the EV industry.
And all in all, I really enjoy riding it. I never rode an XM so I can't compare, but I have ridden some other Chinese EV scoots and the Z is much better than them. The eGo quality is much higher than anything else I have seen, but I can't order a replacement tail light from them and actually get one. So I guess it just depends on priorities.
Sorry ArticFox...must have gotten you mixed up with someone else here. Somebody in a previous post above mentioned something about the XB's having possibly an alarm and that they had not heard of problems with them, etc.
Hey, while I'm here commenting again...question specifically to you AF. Just in case the motor on my XB 600 should fail at whatever point...do you know if xtreme truly stocks all the parts for the XB600? And what if like in 3 years the motor fails...think I'll be able to replace it with the original...or for that matter replace any major parts to keep my XB600 running for many years? Sure hoping I can!
Nope, I never had the key on or even in while charging.
The grumbling was the noise it made when it started when it was working. I have no idea if that is what it was suppose to sound like, but it did it every time it started from a stop. After reading down the thread more it sounds like this is normal.
Mlh78750 great news! In thinking about his every time I stopped I was turning and that’s when I had issues and eventually stopped working. When I get home I will take a look at the throttle cable. Do I have to take it apart from the back? Can’t I just take the front off or is it layered so I have to do it that way?
I think the jury is still out on the Z-20 and we're jumping to conclusions on quality way too soon. There is lots of speculation and deduction. As far as early signs are concerned, yeah, not the best. However, I have to agree with mlh that it's a good sign that EVTA is actively trying to remedy these problems. It seems to me that the XM-2000s, based entirely on my reading about experiences on this board, have had more than their share of problems and faulty parts also. Again, it makes little sense to bash EVTA based on less than 5% of their delivered product.
Don Cristobal
EVTA Z-20b
Ohm is where the heart is.
Do I have to take it apart from the back? Can’t I just take the front off or is it layered so I have to do it that way?
No, just take the front off. The instructions are earlier in the thread. Basically two screws on the bottom around the half moon fender thing and remove the fender thing. Then two screws on the left and right when sitting on the bike towards to top of the front. And then the center screw in the front. Then slide the entire front center down and it will come off.
Well, the jury may "somewhat" still be out. But this forum isn't representative of the entire group of first shipment buyers...hardly representative....and yet the 3 reported here all have problems. That would tell me that the incidence of similar or same problems should be very high amongst the entire first order buyers...or there is a heck of a "coincidence" with the 3 people here on the voltage forum having problems. I can't recall how many people here have mentioned that they had purchased...but I know it hasn't been very many...and maybe limited to the 3 we know of now. That seems to me to make the odds of all those other purchasers having problems...very high!
Its not three is 4 out of 5 and we dont know about 5 yet.
Thats 80% within 24 hours, that is NOT good.
The only thing fully representative is the entire 100% sold.
I dont need to see the rest of them to know..
They were assembled by unskilled labor probably with zero history.
100% inadequately tested prior to production
Quality control during production was non-existent
They were rushed out the door and still did not meet the fine print contract allowing for full refunds, so they went as is.
Say what you want, these are bad bikes. And it will all come out here over the next 90 days.
As I stated back during the Summer, there was NOTHING special about these bikes in any fashion, and there is not, they fall WELL below expectations on every level.
If I HAD followed through on the deposits for my two slots, and they were not here delivered right now, my attorney would be delivering notice today to refund all monies in full and the shipment would be refused.
I would rather take my chances getting my deposit back than except something that is not even of XM-2000 quality.
If you bought one of these, then in my opinion you got ripped off, or, dont mind wasting your money as an experiment, which I also tend to do from time to time.
There are several perfectly good bikes from China that have at LEAST the quality of this POS, and it would not have cost anywhere near this for one of them.
I was a potential customer, I had spots on the list, I had expectations based on their statements and corrections and changes, in the end I decided it was looking really bad, I was right, these are junk.
[b]Disclaimer: [i]Free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it[/i] :)[/b]
It seems to me that the XM-2000s, based entirely on my reading about experiences on this board, have had more than their share of problems and faulty parts also.
If I had paid for one of these I would have the same outlook.
XM-2000, bad batteries
No other faulty parts that I know of, as a matter of fact, I dont know of ONE XM-2000 that did not work mechanically or electrically (aside from the batteries) no matter what people did to them, including that kid in WA that shipped his motor to me, he rode it in high all the time and got it so hot the solder melted in the motor, I resoldered the wires back on and he is still riding it.
I will give you that the battery harness sucked, but we dont know yet what wire they used on these. Or if the soldered all thse cripmed on connectors on or just crimped them, can someone check that ?
The crimped connectors where the motor wires are connected to the controller via the temrinal bloack with the plastic window.
Other than the batteries and harness, which is a 600 failure, but I only paid 1500 for the bike so I am at 2,100 and have batteries with higher range than the Z, and a QUALITY windshield 100 bucks and trunk 35, ok, I dont have an ALARM, but I do have GPS tracking so I can catch the thief and get the bike back, 80 bucks and 35 cents a day.
So, 2,300 bucks delivered and thousands of trouble free miles with no major breakdowns ?
I'll keep my XM thanks.
Again, it makes little sense to bash EVTA based on less than 5% of their delivered product.
OK, I'll stop. if you tell me what percent I have to wait for to comment more, seriously, tell me, and how many are there, Chen says 400, but I will never hear about all 400 on here, as a matter of fact, there could be 100 delivered right now, we have no idea, some went to a scooter rental in Bermuda (I'll bet he is happy) and some are people none of us have heard of will will hear of or from.
[b]Disclaimer: [i]Free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it[/i] :)[/b]
Yes, I will PM you and you can email me, I have links to some that may cost less and will be better quality. And I do NOT sell anything or rep any companies.
[b]Disclaimer: [i]Free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it[/i] :)[/b]
Just to update everyone about the return trip from work. I changed routes and went up a very steep hill. The Z climbed the hill without a problem.
Charge time after a 5.5 mile ride into work, and then 15 min of everyone at work riding it around was about 2 hours. I just plugged it in from the return trip. I easily pegged the 50 mph indicated both directions. I will try and get a GPS speed that is on a longer run where the bike can get to full speed. But it does look like it is making it close to the published 45mph even with my 260lbs self + backpack full of laptop and crap.
So after fixing the simple throttle wire problem I am up and running and really really enjoying the bike.
Love reading your last post. That's the type of encouragement we like to see. Certainly at this point we're all aware that potential problems exist, but you're experience shows us that with effort they can be reasonably dealt with and have the payoff that you are now sharing with us. Thanks for keeping us informed.
What state are you in and are you going to get a title and tags anytime soon ?
For other owners, what states and are you getting title and tags anytime soon ?
Many states have a requirement that motorcycles be 5 hp or more on the MSO, or be a MOTOR DRIVEN CYCLE with certain possible restrictions on how and where it can be ridden (under 5 hp)
I know you probably dont have MSO yet, one of the people here is looking at all this to make a decision on whether to by an EVTA bike and were trying to find someone in WA who is going to go through all of this to see if there are going to be problems before they commit and to see how it gets reg'd, motorcycle or MDC, or if WA will let you choose.
WA law says MOTOR-DRIVEN CYCLE is 5 hp or less, but is doesn't say it is ANY cycle 5 hp or less, and the MOTORCYCLE does NOT have a min hp listed, so it MIGHT be possible they will let you choose in the case of R or Z (I doubt that, they will probably go by MSO).
Of course, if there IS a min hp for motorcycle of 5 which is pretty standard nationwide, and the MSO says motorcycle AND lists a HP of under 5 then there could be a problem getting these reg'd.
So let us all know as that process goes forward, I'm not caring much myself, but there are lurkers here that this is a critical consideration for.
[b]Disclaimer: [i]Free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it[/i] :)[/b]
They were assembled by unskilled labor probably with zero history.
100% inadequately tested prior to production
Quality control during production was non-existent
actually it existed and there are photos
They were rushed out the door
How do you figure that? As far as I can tell they have been taking their sweet time. They've been testing and reworking the damn thing for years. Not only have they been testing but they've been documenting their testing as late as November. They have pictures of their "technicians" revising assemblies. In this particular scenario, in case it isn't clear, they tested something, it didn't work so they then revised it.
USAtracy, you're jumping the gun and making statements that cannot be substantiated. I am not going to say that their quality control was superb, I am not going to say that their testing was extremely thorough, I am not going to say that they shipped their product when it was 100% ready. I am not going to say these things because it is not factually possible to do so.
What we can factually say:
-4 out of 80 bikes have experienced problems and EVTA is surprised by these problems.
-EVTA has been very willing to resolve these problems ASAP.
-EVTA documented the production process with photographs.
-EVTA documented with photographs and videos the fact that they tested the product.
-EVTA tested the product (see Z-20 speed test) after changing original specs
-EVTA has not rushed anything previously, i.e. it has taken FOREVER to get where we are.
A lot of what is being said about the Z-20 on this thread is purely conjecture, with little to no evidence.
"their Canadian charger seem the same shell as my ZAPINPO charger" assumption
"Mr Dai,boss of http://www.yzkg.com told me that Andy order 400 sets of motor/controllers from them." Boss of website that doesn't work.
"a bike design that for the most part was never part of the works and was just "settled on" in the 11'th hour." assumption
"someone sets up a factory overnight and gets workers to build "a run" of scooters" assumption
If and when a larger sample of the bikes turn out to be crap (including my own) I will be very glad to write at length about how the Z-20 is a POS, but until that moment, it appears to me to be unfair bashing of EVTA.
Don Cristobal
EVTA Z-20b
Ohm is where the heart is.
as a matter of fact, there could be 100 delivered right now, we have no idea, some went to a scooter rental in Bermuda (I'll bet he is happy) and some are people none of us have heard of will will hear of or from
To the best of my knowledge the bikes that went to Bermuda are for sale and not for rent. 26 bikes were shipped to Bermuda. There were at least 80 bikes sold total.
Don Cristobal
EVTA Z-20b
Ohm is where the heart is.
LOL. no, I am not the one trying to convince MYSELF of things.
They were assembled by unskilled labor probably with zero history.
OK, who do YOU think put these together, it wasn't EVT, it was Chinese laborers... LABORERS. Once EVT made the decision to move forward, do you think they raided an existing scooter factory, offered the best and brightest workers there more money for a TEMPORARY job making scooters for them ?
100% inadequately tested prior to production
The bike we were told about for months/years is NOT the bike they produced, have you READ the statements from EVT America ?
The bike was 48 volts only 12 months ago and was being delivered in March 2007, then at some point between 12 and 6 months ago, it became 60 volt, that is a COMPLETELY different base bike from end to end as far as the powertrain and electronics go. So at MOST, they would have had 9 months to test, BUT, the 60 volt bike prototype was NOT EVEN BUILT YET. The TESTING of the bike YOU have bought, happened WHILE THEY WERE BEING BUILT this Fall, we have all seen the video of the ride testing, but NONE of us has seen any REAL testing that included dyno, systems integration testing etc, cause that was never done, any dyno work is probably only the motor manufacturer and at this point we have no idea what has been done to prove that the controller and motor on this bike is a good match and will last much less battery capacity lifecycle to this motor controller. Hope for the best I guess.
Quality control during production was non-existent
actually it existed and there are photos
How in the world do you take a picture of a PROCESS :)
They were rushed out the door
Well, lets see, they were going to be here in September, October, then November (shipping delay), December. If they were NOT here, and most aren't, by 12-31-2007, customers could demand their deposits back, do YOU think that could be a motivating factor in to get the bikes out of China and into driveways ?
Anyhow, time will tell, time will tell, and I am sure it will all show up here on V.
I am always told I am wrong, wrong when I said in Aug 2007 they would not get here when they were promised (right actually) wrong WHEN I PREDICTED that Walmart would cause EVT America shipping delays, but I was right, why, am I able to foretell the future, a genius ?
No, it was common sense, something that has been missing by many on both sides of this from buyer to seller, any idiot should have known that with JIT (just in time) inventory systems like Walmart has, they would monopolize shipping just before Christmas, unless you are very inexperienced and playing somewhere you have no expertise, then I can understand how that could come back to bite you in the ass.
So all in all, no reason to get upset about my posting on this, you have BOUGHT and paid for the bike. We look forward to the posts of your experience with it and EVT, I am sure their content will prove positive and uplifting to all.
And as for the 4 bikes out of 80 having a problem, where did that number come from, EVT ? LOL, well, I guess they can SAY whatever they want.
[b]Disclaimer: [i]Free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it[/i] :)[/b]
Well, of course they were SOLD to someone in Bermuda, and the information that was posted said they were SOLD for use as rentals. But, does that really matter at all, the topic was how much these bikes suck after all the hoopla and hassle and waiting. And that wasnt the topic anyhow, it was congrats to MLH for getting his scooter and figuring out what was wrong.
Hopefully, he and others will have no more problems and the scooters will provide tens of thousands of miles of trouble free fun riding enjoyment for the owners and their entire families and friends :)
I gues it was just EVTa's bad luck that 80 bikes were delivered and the 4 that had problems were people posting on V.
You should tell EVT A to advise the other 76 owners that their is a support community here and they should check it out :)
Of course, they are also the ones that sent their rep on a plane to open a container of bikes to "spot check" them without having a clue what to look for as far as problems, and I don't know what level of technical probing he would do at a PORT, was he going to open a few up, ride them around, take them apart and inpsect and do a QA at customs :)
Of course, they sent their best, the guy that surmised the problem could be the half-pallet that the angle iron rests on caused vibrations in the truck and wires were coming loose, but only because of the half pallet, actually riding the bike on roads that would cause the same or more motion would not cause wires to come loose.
That is pretty stupid. If it is representative of the tech expertise being unleashed, does not bode well.
[b]Disclaimer: [i]Free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it[/i] :)[/b]
And as for the 4 bikes out of 80 having a problem, where did that number come from, EVT ? LOL, well, I guess they can SAY whatever they want.
I know I would probably be tempted to SAY ANYTHING to calm things down since the majority of bikes have not been delivered yet and my customers now have the legal right to demand deposits back and all the time their bikes may only be days away or in port. Yeah, I think even I would tell you anything I could to get you to take delivery now that you have had a glimpse of the reality awaiting you in the much coveted cardboard box and might be having buyers remorse.
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Do you SEE who I am posting too ?
Lurkers, some of them may be wondering what do I do ?
THATS who I am posting to 99% of the time.
[b]Disclaimer: [i]Free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it[/i] :)[/b]
-4 out of 80 bikes have experienced problems and EVTA is surprised by these problems. I don't doubt they are surprised
-EVTA has been very willing to resolve these problems ASAP. Willingness has not gotten the 4 dead bikes going
-EVTA documented the production process with photographs. We know they were produced, no one questioned whether they were produced or not, I am willing to concede the bikes were produced, in China, and EVT A is directly responsible for their production, and I am sure there was a process to their production, tab A slot B, I think it is the QUALITY and the CONTROL OF THAT QUALITY that is relevant and in question
-EVTA documented with photographs and videos the fact that they tested the product. Ummm, where is test process and procedure, test script and results ?
-EVTA tested the product (see Z-20 speed test) after changing original specs That 4 mile ride on a partially built bike missing components was THE TEST ?
-EVTA has not rushed anything previously, i.e. it has taken FOREVER to get where we are. That is true
It is amazing that it can be determined from photos that those people are common laborers with no technical background. I had no idea that could be surmised. It's probably done using the same technique that lets people distinguish between someone who is an "idiot" versus someone who is an "amateur." I haven't mastered that skill yet but I suppose if I let my own bias shine through I might get better at it.
I have on the other hand mastered counting. Using this technique I determined that there are about 80 bikes in the EVTA photograph at the factory.
I also fair well reading and using this ability I analyzed the news article on the EVTA website about the Bermuda company who was going to sell the Z-20s. I also visited the company's website that is selling them.
When I found myself short of information and then turned to a skill that I use often on this site. I like to call it asking, which should be noted is very different than assuming. After asking EVBermuda about the bikes they purchased they told me that only one out of the 24 isn't working. All 24 scooters arrived free of any shipping damages.
EVTA is certainly not perfect, FAR from it, but I'll say it again, the jury is still out.
Don Cristobal
EVTA Z-20b
Ohm is where the heart is.
I never looked at any photos of workers, I used common sense, you dont roll up into China, and pick up a factory of skilled experienced scooter workers to build a cut rate into price bike at a building you just acquired, or, maybe you do, maybe all Chinese are natural born evt scooter builders :)
I also did not check shipping schedules or call Walmart and ASK them if they would be taking over all the ships after the Typhoon hit and China was evacuated and shipping was delayed, what i did was what I always do, and it is stupid I admit, I used my YEARS of experience in dealing with international vendors and fortune 50 companies and applied my mediocre talents and SURMISED, but you can say ASSUMED, that, Walmart have a few dollars more than EVT A, and needing to move a few more items that EVT A by ship, and needing to do it in the same time frame as EVT A, might just exert some muscle and try to take the shipsaway from EVT A so they could stock the stores with Chinese goods for XMAS.
I know, stupid of me, I feel so outed now.
[b]Disclaimer: [i]Free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it[/i] :)[/b]
I just pulled the battery spec sheet for those batteries, it really makes no sense why they stacked them 2 1 2 instead of just 3 on the bottom and 2 on top to get that weight down in the bottom of the bike where it belongs.
The batteries are the same case size as the XM per the sheet but each weigh 2.5 pounds more, they have 78% of the capacity of the silicone batteries but the same capacity as the low cost HAZE batteries in my other XM, but the Z battery is a full 4 pounds heavier than that battery. Hopefully that added weight is lead for longer life.
To clarify the concern about the controller and fan getting wet, if the road is wet, the front tire sheds water spray right into the the top of the plastic floorboard which moves as a fine mist of water completely through the bike under the seat exiting the rear above the frame just below the rear of the seat. The controller and fans have been placed directly in the flow of this mist laden air when the bike is moving at about 25 mph so it is going to get drenched.
[b]Disclaimer: [i]Free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it[/i] :)[/b]
does Z-20 equiped with footswitch ? insulated footswitch on kick stand ,it is very important for safety parking

Well, I must agree with USATracy and others. I'd be very disappointed if I had bought one of these scooters. Following is some comments in response to several of the posts in this thread...
Responding to ArticFox's comment about XBs having alarms...I don't think my XB600 has any kind of "alarm" system. If it does I haven't found it! It has a locking steering but nothing other than that for theft prevention...I don't think.
A comment about broken throttle cables....
The black wire in the throttle cable on my "boreem" type Freedom 36v scoot somehow broke not long after I got the scoot. I discovered the problem one day when turning the scoot on...which resulted in full power to the motor instantly! I had it parked on a loading dock near where I work and you should have seen me "fighting" this raging scooter. I wasn't sitting on the scooter when I turned the key switch on...but standing beside it with my one hand on the handlebars and the other turning the switch on. Somehow I very quickly reacted and grabbed both handlebars. I didn't have time to turn the key switch back off. And I'm wrestling this beast trying not to let go of it...swaying rapidly from side to side cause the front wheel is almost vertical in the air with rear wheel on the floor. And during all this my brain finally tells me "grab the brake lever and pull it since that will cut power!" I did and the monster suddenly died! I found the culprit throttle wire just squeezing and bending the bundled, insulated wires and opened up the problem area and found the bad one...at the location where it was broken. Soldered it back together, wrapped it back up, and all was good again. Months later the throttle went out completely...but guess it was the throttle itself cause scooter just stopped with no power. Replaced the throttle with a new one and it's been fine since. I just always wanted to figure something out to prevent this in the future if that black wire ever broke again...without my knowledge. Something that would cause the scooter to simply not go...rather than full power to the motor! But then I got my XB600 and although I still have the Freedom scoot and ride it from time to time...don't worry about it anymore. Just make sure my hand is on the brake when I turn the key on...ready to pull the lever just in case!
Comment regarding wiring runs on scoots....
I've found on the several scoots I've owned that the wiring runs are not the "smartest." Although they have wire ties holding them I've seen all kinds of potential problems...even on my XB600...which I've remedied. On my XB600 I've place a couple of "rubber pads" here and there to keep wires from "rubbing" ...moved a couple of wires to give more "slack" in areas where they have to be really flexible, etc. The lesson I've learned is look over the wiring on a new scoot before doing much riding and check for problem areas where the wiring might rub, be twisted, pulled, etc. Then remedy the problems as soon as possible. Otherwise, you're going to have a broken wire somehwere sooner than later!
Regarding the Z, XM2000, and the XB600...different animals I know but still some comparisons....
From what we know so far about the Z...sounds like the quality control, design, etc. is not as good as the scoots that xtreme sells. At least most xtremes run new, out of the box. I think I'd rather deal with broken plastic from poor packing than bad controllers, etc. Course the XM2000 did have some problems as you all that own them have worked out. Now, that brings me to my XB600. I've had it for about 6 months. I ride it weekly...have about 500 miles on it...short rides (2-5 miles) most of the time. So far everything is good....and I so enjoy riding it. It's just great. Not particularly fast...but solid and so far dependable. Keeping my fingers crossed that it keeps being problem free. But it makes me wonder. If in fact it continues to be very reliable...as it has so far...then did the China factory/company making it just "luck out" or did they actually do alot more thinking and testing before delivering the product? Makes me wonder...hmmmmm
It does have a safety switch on the kickstand. That was the first thing I checked in my diagnosis.
then did the China factory/company making it just "luck out" or did they actually do alot more testing before delivering the product?
When you look at what EVT America did, it really was a dumb move, as I understand it.
I will forego commenting further on all of the years of testing, development and midstream changes and the final scrapping of everything for off the shelf components and a bike design that for the most part was never part of the works and was just "settled on" in the 11'th hour.
Then they physically GO to China, and presumabley someone sets up a factory overnight and gets workers to build "a run" of scooters. And they do it and they ship them.
This all occurs rapidly from September to December and includes the testing of the bikes, because all previous domestic testing is out the window since that was not the bike the built in the end.
And the bikes are all assembled by who knows what level of technical expertise personnel and we have no idea what QA was being performed in this thrown together environment where the pressure to deliver was enmormous since completion schedules were being missed weekly and all this time EVT managemet personnel are being house in China and testing of a prototype is happening while bikes are being built.
This was a really dumb venture and execution and is a textbook example of how not to go about doing soemthing like this.
EVT could have just gone to any number of scooter makers in China and spec'd the bike to their needs, YOU would have paid a little more, and the return in value would have been hige compared to the quality ans value of what has ben delivered.
If an XM and a Z were on EBay used, I wouldnt even consider the Z, except as a parts machine for a very low cost and only if it were a local pickup. There are plenty of junky scooters in this class, and the Z now joins them.
[b]Disclaimer: [i]Free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it[/i] :)[/b]
Gushar: I know nothing of an alarm. The XB-600 has no alarm. Luck. Or karma. :)
Shouldn't shorting wires cause a fuse to blow? Not make the scooter run uncontrolled?
I think whatever, I may be siding with the Z20 since the XM2k had been such a major headache for me as a dealer. I know nothing about the Z20 except for what I read here. I'm still in a state of denial.
<table border="0" style="border:1px solid #999999; padding:10px;"><tr><td>
<a href="http://www.BaseStationZero.com">[img]http://visforvoltage.org/files/u419...
usatracy: You have been very helpful on the forum and I want to thank you for that.
I may be in the minority over time, but for the $2350 total I spent on the Z I think I got a good deal. I ran the speed-o past the 50 mph indicated limits on the way to work today. I didn't carry the GPS this morning but I am guessing that I was doing over 40 mph. This was the first ride I had taken that was any real distance. It is 5.5 miles to work. I am disappointed a bit that I had to break it down and fix this routing problem, but all in all I am also a bit happy about having to tinker with it. This is where my experience and others may vary.
I have an eGo cycle 2 as well and it had a brush short in the motor within the first 15 miles. Took 2 weeks to get the scooter fixed by the local dealer. The fact that Andy and others at EVT are engaged and working with the end users goes a long way in my book. Over time we may find that I have a "good" Z and that the quality is quite bad otherwise. Time will tell. But without a larger sample size I am not sure we can say right now. I still think I got a good deal and I have a group of people at EVTA that are trying to make things work in the EV industry.
And all in all, I really enjoy riding it. I never rode an XM so I can't compare, but I have ridden some other Chinese EV scoots and the Z is much better than them. The eGo quality is much higher than anything else I have seen, but I can't order a replacement tail light from them and actually get one. So I guess it just depends on priorities.
Sorry ArticFox...must have gotten you mixed up with someone else here. Somebody in a previous post above mentioned something about the XB's having possibly an alarm and that they had not heard of problems with them, etc.
Hey, while I'm here commenting again...question specifically to you AF. Just in case the motor on my XB 600 should fail at whatever point...do you know if xtreme truly stocks all the parts for the XB600? And what if like in 3 years the motor fails...think I'll be able to replace it with the original...or for that matter replace any major parts to keep my XB600 running for many years? Sure hoping I can!
Nope, I never had the key on or even in while charging.
The grumbling was the noise it made when it started when it was working. I have no idea if that is what it was suppose to sound like, but it did it every time it started from a stop. After reading down the thread more it sounds like this is normal.
Mlh78750 great news! In thinking about his every time I stopped I was turning and that’s when I had issues and eventually stopped working. When I get home I will take a look at the throttle cable. Do I have to take it apart from the back? Can’t I just take the front off or is it layered so I have to do it that way?
I think the jury is still out on the Z-20 and we're jumping to conclusions on quality way too soon. There is lots of speculation and deduction. As far as early signs are concerned, yeah, not the best. However, I have to agree with mlh that it's a good sign that EVTA is actively trying to remedy these problems. It seems to me that the XM-2000s, based entirely on my reading about experiences on this board, have had more than their share of problems and faulty parts also. Again, it makes little sense to bash EVTA based on less than 5% of their delivered product.
Don Cristobal
EVTA Z-20b
Ohm is where the heart is.
Is there a summary of the "fix" yet? I am thinking of buying one of the current shipment... an R-20.
No, just take the front off. The instructions are earlier in the thread. Basically two screws on the bottom around the half moon fender thing and remove the fender thing. Then two screws on the left and right when sitting on the bike towards to top of the front. And then the center screw in the front. Then slide the entire front center down and it will come off.
Well, the jury may "somewhat" still be out. But this forum isn't representative of the entire group of first shipment buyers...hardly representative....and yet the 3 reported here all have problems. That would tell me that the incidence of similar or same problems should be very high amongst the entire first order buyers...or there is a heck of a "coincidence" with the 3 people here on the voltage forum having problems. I can't recall how many people here have mentioned that they had purchased...but I know it hasn't been very many...and maybe limited to the 3 we know of now. That seems to me to make the odds of all those other purchasers having problems...very high!
Its not three is 4 out of 5 and we dont know about 5 yet.
Thats 80% within 24 hours, that is NOT good.
The only thing fully representative is the entire 100% sold.
I dont need to see the rest of them to know..
They were assembled by unskilled labor probably with zero history.
100% inadequately tested prior to production
Quality control during production was non-existent
They were rushed out the door and still did not meet the fine print contract allowing for full refunds, so they went as is.
Say what you want, these are bad bikes. And it will all come out here over the next 90 days.
As I stated back during the Summer, there was NOTHING special about these bikes in any fashion, and there is not, they fall WELL below expectations on every level.
If I HAD followed through on the deposits for my two slots, and they were not here delivered right now, my attorney would be delivering notice today to refund all monies in full and the shipment would be refused.
I would rather take my chances getting my deposit back than except something that is not even of XM-2000 quality.
If you bought one of these, then in my opinion you got ripped off, or, dont mind wasting your money as an experiment, which I also tend to do from time to time.
There are several perfectly good bikes from China that have at LEAST the quality of this POS, and it would not have cost anywhere near this for one of them.
I was a potential customer, I had spots on the list, I had expectations based on their statements and corrections and changes, in the end I decided it was looking really bad, I was right, these are junk.
[b]Disclaimer: [i]Free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it[/i] :)[/b]
So, usatracy, any decent retro-styled electric scoots? If not an r-20, then what?
It seems to me that the XM-2000s, based entirely on my reading about experiences on this board, have had more than their share of problems and faulty parts also.
If I had paid for one of these I would have the same outlook.
XM-2000, bad batteries
No other faulty parts that I know of, as a matter of fact, I dont know of ONE XM-2000 that did not work mechanically or electrically (aside from the batteries) no matter what people did to them, including that kid in WA that shipped his motor to me, he rode it in high all the time and got it so hot the solder melted in the motor, I resoldered the wires back on and he is still riding it.
I will give you that the battery harness sucked, but we dont know yet what wire they used on these. Or if the soldered all thse cripmed on connectors on or just crimped them, can someone check that ?
The crimped connectors where the motor wires are connected to the controller via the temrinal bloack with the plastic window.
Other than the batteries and harness, which is a 600 failure, but I only paid 1500 for the bike so I am at 2,100 and have batteries with higher range than the Z, and a QUALITY windshield 100 bucks and trunk 35, ok, I dont have an ALARM, but I do have GPS tracking so I can catch the thief and get the bike back, 80 bucks and 35 cents a day.
So, 2,300 bucks delivered and thousands of trouble free miles with no major breakdowns ?
I'll keep my XM thanks.
Again, it makes little sense to bash EVTA based on less than 5% of their delivered product.
OK, I'll stop. if you tell me what percent I have to wait for to comment more, seriously, tell me, and how many are there, Chen says 400, but I will never hear about all 400 on here, as a matter of fact, there could be 100 delivered right now, we have no idea, some went to a scooter rental in Bermuda (I'll bet he is happy) and some are people none of us have heard of will will hear of or from.
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Yes, I will PM you and you can email me, I have links to some that may cost less and will be better quality. And I do NOT sell anything or rep any companies.
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Just to update everyone about the return trip from work. I changed routes and went up a very steep hill. The Z climbed the hill without a problem.
Charge time after a 5.5 mile ride into work, and then 15 min of everyone at work riding it around was about 2 hours. I just plugged it in from the return trip. I easily pegged the 50 mph indicated both directions. I will try and get a GPS speed that is on a longer run where the bike can get to full speed. But it does look like it is making it close to the published 45mph even with my 260lbs self + backpack full of laptop and crap.
So after fixing the simple throttle wire problem I am up and running and really really enjoying the bike.
What does the VIN plate say...
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Love reading your last post. That's the type of encouragement we like to see. Certainly at this point we're all aware that potential problems exist, but you're experience shows us that with effort they can be reasonably dealt with and have the payoff that you are now sharing with us. Thanks for keeping us informed.
What state are you in and are you going to get a title and tags anytime soon ?
For other owners, what states and are you getting title and tags anytime soon ?
Many states have a requirement that motorcycles be 5 hp or more on the MSO, or be a MOTOR DRIVEN CYCLE with certain possible restrictions on how and where it can be ridden (under 5 hp)
I know you probably dont have MSO yet, one of the people here is looking at all this to make a decision on whether to by an EVTA bike and were trying to find someone in WA who is going to go through all of this to see if there are going to be problems before they commit and to see how it gets reg'd, motorcycle or MDC, or if WA will let you choose.
WA law says MOTOR-DRIVEN CYCLE is 5 hp or less, but is doesn't say it is ANY cycle 5 hp or less, and the MOTORCYCLE does NOT have a min hp listed, so it MIGHT be possible they will let you choose in the case of R or Z (I doubt that, they will probably go by MSO).
Of course, if there IS a min hp for motorcycle of 5 which is pretty standard nationwide, and the MSO says motorcycle AND lists a HP of under 5 then there could be a problem getting these reg'd.
So let us all know as that process goes forward, I'm not caring much myself, but there are lurkers here that this is a critical consideration for.
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actually it existed and there are photos
How do you figure that? As far as I can tell they have been taking their sweet time. They've been testing and reworking the damn thing for years. Not only have they been testing but they've been documenting their testing as late as November. They have pictures of their "technicians" revising assemblies. In this particular scenario, in case it isn't clear, they tested something, it didn't work so they then revised it.
USAtracy, you're jumping the gun and making statements that cannot be substantiated. I am not going to say that their quality control was superb, I am not going to say that their testing was extremely thorough, I am not going to say that they shipped their product when it was 100% ready. I am not going to say these things because it is not factually possible to do so.
What we can factually say:
-4 out of 80 bikes have experienced problems and EVTA is surprised by these problems.
-EVTA has been very willing to resolve these problems ASAP.
-EVTA documented the production process with photographs.
-EVTA documented with photographs and videos the fact that they tested the product.
-EVTA tested the product (see Z-20 speed test) after changing original specs
-EVTA has not rushed anything previously, i.e. it has taken FOREVER to get where we are.
A lot of what is being said about the Z-20 on this thread is purely conjecture, with little to no evidence.
"their Canadian charger seem the same shell as my ZAPINPO charger" assumption
"Mr Dai,boss of http://www.yzkg.com told me that Andy order 400 sets of motor/controllers from them." Boss of website that doesn't work.
"a bike design that for the most part was never part of the works and was just "settled on" in the 11'th hour." assumption
"someone sets up a factory overnight and gets workers to build "a run" of scooters" assumption
If and when a larger sample of the bikes turn out to be crap (including my own) I will be very glad to write at length about how the Z-20 is a POS, but until that moment, it appears to me to be unfair bashing of EVTA.
Don Cristobal
EVTA Z-20b
Ohm is where the heart is.
To the best of my knowledge the bikes that went to Bermuda are for sale and not for rent. 26 bikes were shipped to Bermuda. There were at least 80 bikes sold total.
Don Cristobal
EVTA Z-20b
Ohm is where the heart is.
LOL. no, I am not the one trying to convince MYSELF of things.
They were assembled by unskilled labor probably with zero history.
OK, who do YOU think put these together, it wasn't EVT, it was Chinese laborers... LABORERS. Once EVT made the decision to move forward, do you think they raided an existing scooter factory, offered the best and brightest workers there more money for a TEMPORARY job making scooters for them ?
100% inadequately tested prior to production
The bike we were told about for months/years is NOT the bike they produced, have you READ the statements from EVT America ?
The bike was 48 volts only 12 months ago and was being delivered in March 2007, then at some point between 12 and 6 months ago, it became 60 volt, that is a COMPLETELY different base bike from end to end as far as the powertrain and electronics go. So at MOST, they would have had 9 months to test, BUT, the 60 volt bike prototype was NOT EVEN BUILT YET. The TESTING of the bike YOU have bought, happened WHILE THEY WERE BEING BUILT this Fall, we have all seen the video of the ride testing, but NONE of us has seen any REAL testing that included dyno, systems integration testing etc, cause that was never done, any dyno work is probably only the motor manufacturer and at this point we have no idea what has been done to prove that the controller and motor on this bike is a good match and will last much less battery capacity lifecycle to this motor controller. Hope for the best I guess.
Quality control during production was non-existent
actually it existed and there are photos
How in the world do you take a picture of a PROCESS :)
They were rushed out the door
Well, lets see, they were going to be here in September, October, then November (shipping delay), December. If they were NOT here, and most aren't, by 12-31-2007, customers could demand their deposits back, do YOU think that could be a motivating factor in to get the bikes out of China and into driveways ?
Anyhow, time will tell, time will tell, and I am sure it will all show up here on V.
I am always told I am wrong, wrong when I said in Aug 2007 they would not get here when they were promised (right actually) wrong WHEN I PREDICTED that Walmart would cause EVT America shipping delays, but I was right, why, am I able to foretell the future, a genius ?
No, it was common sense, something that has been missing by many on both sides of this from buyer to seller, any idiot should have known that with JIT (just in time) inventory systems like Walmart has, they would monopolize shipping just before Christmas, unless you are very inexperienced and playing somewhere you have no expertise, then I can understand how that could come back to bite you in the ass.
So all in all, no reason to get upset about my posting on this, you have BOUGHT and paid for the bike. We look forward to the posts of your experience with it and EVT, I am sure their content will prove positive and uplifting to all.
And as for the 4 bikes out of 80 having a problem, where did that number come from, EVT ? LOL, well, I guess they can SAY whatever they want.
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Well, of course they were SOLD to someone in Bermuda, and the information that was posted said they were SOLD for use as rentals. But, does that really matter at all, the topic was how much these bikes suck after all the hoopla and hassle and waiting. And that wasnt the topic anyhow, it was congrats to MLH for getting his scooter and figuring out what was wrong.
Hopefully, he and others will have no more problems and the scooters will provide tens of thousands of miles of trouble free fun riding enjoyment for the owners and their entire families and friends :)
I gues it was just EVTa's bad luck that 80 bikes were delivered and the 4 that had problems were people posting on V.
You should tell EVT A to advise the other 76 owners that their is a support community here and they should check it out :)
Of course, they are also the ones that sent their rep on a plane to open a container of bikes to "spot check" them without having a clue what to look for as far as problems, and I don't know what level of technical probing he would do at a PORT, was he going to open a few up, ride them around, take them apart and inpsect and do a QA at customs :)
Of course, they sent their best, the guy that surmised the problem could be the half-pallet that the angle iron rests on caused vibrations in the truck and wires were coming loose, but only because of the half pallet, actually riding the bike on roads that would cause the same or more motion would not cause wires to come loose.
That is pretty stupid. If it is representative of the tech expertise being unleashed, does not bode well.
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And as for the 4 bikes out of 80 having a problem, where did that number come from, EVT ? LOL, well, I guess they can SAY whatever they want.
I know I would probably be tempted to SAY ANYTHING to calm things down since the majority of bikes have not been delivered yet and my customers now have the legal right to demand deposits back and all the time their bikes may only be days away or in port. Yeah, I think even I would tell you anything I could to get you to take delivery now that you have had a glimpse of the reality awaiting you in the much coveted cardboard box and might be having buyers remorse.
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Do you SEE who I am posting too ?
Lurkers, some of them may be wondering what do I do ?
THATS who I am posting to 99% of the time.
[b]Disclaimer: [i]Free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it[/i] :)[/b]
What we can factually say:
-4 out of 80 bikes have experienced problems and EVTA is surprised by these problems.
I don't doubt they are surprised
-EVTA has been very willing to resolve these problems ASAP.
Willingness has not gotten the 4 dead bikes going
-EVTA documented the production process with photographs.
We know they were produced, no one questioned whether they were produced or not, I am willing to concede the bikes were produced, in China, and EVT A is directly responsible for their production, and I am sure there was a process to their production, tab A slot B, I think it is the QUALITY and the CONTROL OF THAT QUALITY that is relevant and in question
-EVTA documented with photographs and videos the fact that they tested the product.
Ummm, where is test process and procedure, test script and results ?
-EVTA tested the product (see Z-20 speed test) after changing original specs
That 4 mile ride on a partially built bike missing components was THE TEST ?
-EVTA has not rushed anything previously, i.e. it has taken FOREVER to get where we are.
That is true
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It is amazing that it can be determined from photos that those people are common laborers with no technical background. I had no idea that could be surmised. It's probably done using the same technique that lets people distinguish between someone who is an "idiot" versus someone who is an "amateur." I haven't mastered that skill yet but I suppose if I let my own bias shine through I might get better at it.
I have on the other hand mastered counting. Using this technique I determined that there are about 80 bikes in the EVTA photograph at the factory.
I also fair well reading and using this ability I analyzed the news article on the EVTA website about the Bermuda company who was going to sell the Z-20s. I also visited the company's website that is selling them.
When I found myself short of information and then turned to a skill that I use often on this site. I like to call it asking, which should be noted is very different than assuming. After asking EVBermuda about the bikes they purchased they told me that only one out of the 24 isn't working. All 24 scooters arrived free of any shipping damages.
EVTA is certainly not perfect, FAR from it, but I'll say it again, the jury is still out.
Don Cristobal
EVTA Z-20b
Ohm is where the heart is.
I never looked at any photos of workers, I used common sense, you dont roll up into China, and pick up a factory of skilled experienced scooter workers to build a cut rate into price bike at a building you just acquired, or, maybe you do, maybe all Chinese are natural born evt scooter builders :)
I also did not check shipping schedules or call Walmart and ASK them if they would be taking over all the ships after the Typhoon hit and China was evacuated and shipping was delayed, what i did was what I always do, and it is stupid I admit, I used my YEARS of experience in dealing with international vendors and fortune 50 companies and applied my mediocre talents and SURMISED, but you can say ASSUMED, that, Walmart have a few dollars more than EVT A, and needing to move a few more items that EVT A by ship, and needing to do it in the same time frame as EVT A, might just exert some muscle and try to take the shipsaway from EVT A so they could stock the stores with Chinese goods for XMAS.
I know, stupid of me, I feel so outed now.
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