vectrix production chronology

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vectrix production chronology

In the following link you will see a vectrix production chronology. It has been build up thanks to other Vectrix owners/dealers who have sent their VIN number/date of production. Thank you all, we all have done a nice job!

I'm still missing a lot of data, but I'm starting to suspect that our vectrix have been build in two waves. If your VIN's bike fills any gap, please let us know!

1st wave, 2007-2008 models, 0-1900 aprox, may 2007 - november 2007

There was a resting - retooling period, from december 2007 to August 2008.

2nd wave, 2009 models, 2200-2600, september 2008-january 2009. The numbers may be correlative, total amount of produced vectrix may be around 2600...

Where can you locate your VIN/date? before the fork, on the front side of the battery compartment you will find a white label with all info. It will look like this:


SkyObs31's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

After four months of uncertainty, I have received my bike today :

  • Number: 2737
  • Produced: March 2009
  • 2009 decals

NB: First bike of "New Vectrix" era ?

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Re: vectrix production chronology

newest bike ever recorded in this forum! congratulations!!. before riding the bike, suggest you read carefully some posts posted by newbies asking how to wake up and mantain the battery. why? March 2009, thats long ago. I suspect that your battery have not received a storage charge every month, and your cells might be unbalanced. In my opinion if you do now a deep discharge, you may damage lowest voltage cells and reduce your useful capacity....

SkyObs31's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

Thank you "R" for your advise.
My bike has come with a "charging sheet" showing that it has received a storage charge at least every 6 weeks since its manufacturing.
It has also been carefully verified by Escini in the Netherland and then by my local dealer before the delivery and all seems OK.
Moreover, Vectrix provides now an adendum to the user manual called "Charging update" explaining how to manage the chargings.

The firmware is now programmed for an initial initialisation cycle of two charges:

  • Full discharge up to the battery red light
  • Programming of a cooling delay depending on the ambient temperature
  • Charging of the bike.

The second charging cycle shall be identical to the first one and should be performed less than 24 hours after the first one in order to initialize properly the BMS and the "fuel gauge".
At the end of the two charges, the bike performs an equalization of the battery.

After that, the firmware is programmed to perform an equalization of the battery every 12 hours of use and it is recommended to perform a full discharge on a regular basis (at least every month up to every week in "intensive" use).

I have ride my bike 30 km yesterday and 20 km today (60% urban, 10% highway at top speed and 30% hilly roads) and the gauge is now at bar 5 so I'm optimistic on the battery status.
I will try to ride tommorrow up to the battery red light ignition and perform the first full charging cycle in the night.

In will then perform the second cycle monday after my daily commutes for work ... and additional kilometers for pleasure.

turok's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

Hey SkyObs,

Congrats with your new ride!

I see that your bike came from Escini, would yo like to put yourself on this map?

good luck with the V, you'll love it!

"doing nothin = doing nothing wrong" is invalid when the subject is environment

R's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

My bike has come with a "charging sheet" showing that it has received a storage charge at least every 6 weeks since its manufacturing.

Good! It is amazing to know that in 2009 vectrix sent instructions about how to maintain the bikes!! the battery will be OK! I must admit this is the first time I've ever heard of a charging sheet! I'd love to see how it looks like... Would it be possible to have a glimpse at it?

Vectrix provides now an addendum to the user manual called "Charging update" explaining how to manage the chargings.

This addendum is from October 2008? does it look like this one?:

SkyObs31's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

The "charging sheet" is just a paper sheet with the date of each storage charge. Unfortunately, it has been kept by my local dealer as it contains also pertinent information for the maintenance of the bike.

Concerning the addendum, it is exactly the one mentioned by "R" in the previous post (I have planned to scan it but someone else has already done the job...:-).

turok, Escini is the wholesaler who imports the bikes for Netherlands, Belgium and France but I have bought mine through Espace 2 roues, the local Vectrix dealer in Toulouse.

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Re: vectrix production chronology

mine is #2186, I assume that its the last 4 digit of the VIN? Dated September 2008; my paperwork was dated October 2008 bought December 2008.

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Re: vectrix production chronology

Congratulations SkyObs 31, im sure you will love your Vectrix and luckily you wont have too many problems cause you have a very late model. Later models seem to be doing quite well in terms of reliability and Battery issues. Mine is #2494 and i have 6.000 kms. Only 1 problem: a noisy gearbox in the form of an uneven whine, which has been repaired (2500kms ago) and works perfect now!

R's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

thanks harry,
According to our data your V is running with 125 Ah fuse...
The updates have been placed in the voltforum image:
Thank you all!

SkyObs31's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

Many problems seem to be solved with the new models :

  • The fuel gauge is very accurate up to the last bar
  • The battery voltage is 125V (beginning of charge) at ignition of the red light (gauge at 1/0 bar) which seems conservative
  • Power reduction at battery red light ignition seems more progressive
  • My gearbox and all other parts of the scooter are very quiet
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Re: vectrix production chronology

Thanks for the heads-up. I suppose running the 125A fuse is calling for trouble down the road? Should I try to get install a replacement?

R's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

The battery voltage depends on temperature. During summer cutoff was around 117v. Now it is around 122v. Full charge was around 143v, now it is around 147v...

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Re: vectrix production chronology

Well harry, it depends. If you like getting stuck in the middle of nothing, don't get a fuse upgrade. It happened to me, and it is really annoying... long ago I made a post like "my vectrix died today".. really really annoying...
However, if you have a look at the chronology, you'll see that the restart of production was in September 2008. Maybe the decided to use 200 Ah immediately.... or maybe they decided to use all remaining 125Ah fuses, and then make a new order with 200 Ah fuses, installed in mid October...
If you check if you have the 125Ah fuse, many people with September 2008 bikes may be very grateful...

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Re: vectrix production chronology

How difficult is it to get to the fuse? I was under the impression that you needed to take the battery out to get to the fuse. If not, I'd be happy to open her up and take a look at the fuse.

R's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

You need to take out the battery to replace the fuse, but if you only want to just have a glimpse at it is quite different. There's space between the battery and the board where the fuse is mounted. Protecting the board theres a metal plate with holes. If the fuse is mounted under one of these holes, it would be possible to have a look at it. Maybe somebody who replaced the fuse can explain a little further if it is possible or not to see the fuse without taking out the battery.

this is how the 125 Ah fuse looks.

The red wire reaches the fuse. Above the fuse, you can read in blue letters 125.
To reach the board, you have to take out the fan cover. the bike will look like this:

Pawel Koch
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Re: vectrix production chronology

Usually it's possible to check the fuse without removing the battery. HarryS: Most probably you've the 125 fuse but let me check it in the traveller of your bike.
R: Be carefull with the phase studs. Its always unscrew a litte bit while removing the phase cables so you need to remember to check the torque before putting the cables back.

Pawel Koch
Technical Manager
Vectrix Sp.z.o.o

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Re: vectrix production chronology

Thanks pawel for the advice, this picture is from "Vectux" motorcontroller. can you give us a hand at building the chronology?

myvectrix2008's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

I took a photo of my VIN sticker today. Quality is not all that good as it was with a mobile phone. I would like to contribute, where do I send the information?

R's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

thanks myvectrix!
If you don't want to make public you VIN, you can send me a private message inside this forum by clicking my user and click "send this user a message". I never use the exact VINS, EX: if a VIN is ended 37 ,38 43 etc, it will be shown as 40. if you don't care. you can post your number or picture in this post.

myvectrix2008's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

My VIN ends in 1847. Purchased new by me in late September 2008 with latest firmware (label shows as manufactured October 2007). Have since had the 200A fuse upgrade due to a breakdown.

Mik's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

This thread has been added to the Vectrix Collaborative Handbook, please stay on topic!

This information may be used entirely at your own risk.

There is always a way if there is no other way!

R's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

I've found another bike from the dark production period: A factory retooled bike from january 2008 with VIN 00192
vin 192.jpg


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Re: vectrix production chronology

Yet another strange one. A bike for sale on Ebay as a 2008 actually has a Certificate of Origin December 2008, yet a serial number of 1238 and still has the Vin error with the "S" instead of an "8" in the 10th digit indicating a 2007 model. Were they selling of their old stock rebranding the 2007 frames as 2008s? If that's the case that would be pretty shaby.

R's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

01238 It's an August 2007 unit, no doubt. If you could have a look at the front white label, you'll know for sure the production date... Asking them to take a picture of the front white label might be useless, today plenty people know how to run photoshop...;-).

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Re: vectrix production chronology

sad thing its from a dealer and he actually scanned the Certificate or Origin which looks legit. Thats why I am thinking Vectrix pulled a fast one as just before they went under, selling off their old stock.

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Re: vectrix production chronology

This vectrix is from an USA dealer?

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Re: vectrix production chronology

yes, Los Angeles

R's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

The vectrix's production has been restarted:
Have a look at this VIN's: 2781 June 2009 / 2813 october 2009


There's a good looking black unit in Suzuka. It's waiting for the sport windshield...

P1130296 (Custom).JPG

The new bikes come with a sheet detailing charging maintenance:


mikemitbike's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

hi there, i recived my bike in Okt 08 after purchasing it on 21 August 08 and paying it 26.08.08
I had the same problems as many others that i had to wait 2 months for being delivered.
the end of my VIN is szcaardw0waa00994! so i got a pretty old one?! Maybe this caused my problems
with the battery (lasting till today/finaly fixed 2010).

Greetings Mike

R's picture
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Re: vectrix production chronology

0990... It' should be a 2007-07 unit. Check the front white label, behind the fork (the one you see in the pictures). You'll find the date of production of your bike!


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