Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

It is coming along great, thanks for the huge effort. I hope it will be able to display miles instead of kmh for us USA folks. Thanks!

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Looks very good!

Does it calculate the Ah from the voltage and current values reported on the Canbus, or is it using an Ah value reported by the Canbus?

Does it reset automatically each time when the Vectrix is turned off?

How accurate is the Ah value in your experience?

Will it also show the Ah that have gone into the battery during charging?

Keep up the good work!

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Does it calculate the Ah from the voltage and current values reported on the Canbus, or is it using an Ah value reported by the Canbus?

The Ahr value (the Ahr value on the energy usage screen - as opposed to the
temperature sensors screen) is obtained over the CanBus from (as I understand it)
the Charger when riding.

Does it reset automatically each time when the Vectrix is turned off?

By "it" I assume you mean the values on the energy usage screen... if so then
no they do not get reset when the bike is powered off. (The Monitor does power
off simply because the 5vdc available in the glove box is turned off when the
bike's key switch is off.) They do; however, get reset when the bike gets
plugged into the mains and the charger begins a charge cycle.
I believe these values are stored in the Charger. These values would be for
the current discharge cycle only. So even though the bike may sit between rides,
without charging, the energy usage statistics are still available.
I have a feeling you might ask if it takes into account the residual battery drain (7ma?)
you have witnessed....to answer: at this point in time I do not know.... and again if
the bike's 150v 30Ahr battery pack is removed I do not know if the values will be
there when the pack is returned to the bike. You might know this... ?

How accurate is the Ah value in your experience?

What you see in the latest video is the first test run of the latest iteration
of firmware. I have no experience with the accuracy of the Ahr reading as it
is computed in the Charger firmware then reported over the CanBus .... so I
would say that it is as accurate as whomever wrote the firmware for the original
charger made it...

Will it also show the Ah that have gone into the battery during charging?

Not at present... I am researching if these values are available; but, this may
take some time as parts are starting to arrive and more of what little time I have
is going to be dedicated to the next phase of development of the Monitor assembly.

Keep up the good work!


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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Some parts have been back-ordered until mid November.
The mounting mechanism is in development.
Have been busy but here is the latest:
Left side is the interface board which I made, the enclosure and cable.
Right side is the finished unit less the mounting bracket.


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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Any idea of price currently ?
exc shipping of course

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Not yet. at this point it depends upon the mounting
mechanism and the effort to get it completed.
Getting close though.... maybe a month to 6 weeks.

Also I started the 'imperial units' version for
those folks who cherish miles vs kilometers... all in all
it is starting to come together...

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Another update with the "Imperial" units version and
a "rough cut" case. The mounting mechanism is a
mockup at this point but it does seem to be adequate
for the urban terrain/environment. Weather is
starting to turn wintery in this part of the Great Marble
but if there are any "nice" days will try to do more
on-the-road testing.
Progress continues --> http://youtu.be/HgyBvRX6Sa0

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Finished the Imperial units firmware version.
The term Imperial is used for lack of a better term as
opposed to the Metric version.... anyway
here is a video of the first test - a tad long but
it outlines a typical sequence of events one would
expect to see when using the Vx-1's CanMon.
see it here --> http://youtu.be/sctipmyne04
A few notes to assist with viewing:
3 second mark: when the bike is turned on, the
1st screen to display is temporary ((more on this later)) and shows the present
battery voltage, the previous charge cycle Ahr delivered to the
battery, the bottom line is the present battery bus current,
the firmware description and the version number. The Ahr
value of 1.3ahr represents the short charge I did before a long ride.
This to test the Ahr value being retained in the CanMon across a power on/off...

30 second mark: Switched on my charge scheduler (applied mains to the
bike). Front and Rear battery temperatures are displayed in degrees
Fahrenheit - I tried to get to the 3digit mark but it is just too cold
here now to effectively accomplish this feat...maybe next summer.
The Ahr delivered value is updated 2 times per minute. The "I" in
the version number stands for Imperial - just in case you wanted to
know for future reference ;-)

1:25 mark: you can see the Ahr counter start to increment
2:00 and 2:19 are just snippets along the way
2:45 charge is manually terminated to represent a typical
opportunity charging session. The bike is left off until
at least the fans stop turning...and the bike unplugged.
3:10 switch the bikes key to on
3:18 here is again the temporary screen which displays the
Ahr delivered to the battery on the last charge cycle. Every
time the bike is power up for riding this screen will appear
to allow the driver to see the Ahr's put to the battery on the
last charging cycle. It will disappear from view and be replaced
by the riding energy usage stats screen as soon as the throttle is
rolled a little - maybe 1/8th turn or so (with the bike in a GO or
NO-GO status - doesn't matter).
The Metric version will operate in an identical fashion but will,
of course, display Kilometers and degrees in Centigrade/Celsius.
I am in the midst of adding the features in this video to the
Metric version and should have it finished soon. The mounting
mechanism is in the second stage of development and will be
ready for testing in about 2 weeks - it's outcome will directly
impact the availability date but optimistically it looks like
about 4 weeks max....


edit: if youtube does not get the lighting right then will repost
I can see the display in my video but it got washed out upon their "fix"....

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

...and here is the finished Metric version.
--> http://youtu.be/SnhAGTcNcRc
The only issue I see is the decimal point is missing on the
temperatures display for the current reading.... as things are a
tad crowded there - no fix is in the works and the decimal point
is present on the other display page.

viewing notes:
The video shows a charging cycle from start to 3 minute mark.
...where I again wait for the fans to stop - turn the key on
and do a throttle roll at 3:47 (first one wasn't far enough) and
another at 3:50 to show the display switches to the other page.....
also the Ahr delivered value is shown to be retained across a
power on/off/on....

Hope you like it....


kingcharles's picture
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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Great stuff!
I only looked at the metric version video. I find it hard to read all the temperature values. perhaps they can be displayed longer?
Will it work in combination with The Laird firmware?
Do you have an idea of the price for this kit?
Will you ship to the Netherlands?

Sorry for all my queations...

Once you go EV, Gas is history!

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Great stuff!
I only looked at the metric version video. I find it hard to read all the temperature values. perhaps they can be displayed longer?

Certainly. I believe the time the temperatures are displayed is a carry over
from the Imperial units version anyway. In the Imperial units version the battery
voltage and battery current do not have the luxury of residing on the same
page as the temperatures; hence, the short display time to get back to the
other page. I will change it....but before I do may I have your thoughts
on what may be optimal??

Will it work in combination with The Laird firmware?

I will have to check on that - I still run NIMH batteries and
use the original Vectrix firmware. But my initial feeling is
that it should - I don't think he changed any of the communication
protocols in place in the bike - but I will check and get back to
you on this....

Do you have an idea of the price for this kit?

Not yet but it's coming... have to figure out the mounting
fixture yet and a prototype is due to arrive in about 10 days.

Will you ship to the Netherlands?

At this point in time I believe so. You have a Vectrix and
my display is designed specifically for the Vectrix so I see
no reason why not......

Sorry for all my queations...

No problem....

kingcharles's picture
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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Certainly. I believe the time the temperatures are displayed is a carry over
from the Imperial units version anyway. In the Imperial units version the battery
voltage and battery current do not have the luxury of residing on the same
page as the temperatures; hence, the short display time to get back to the
other page. I will change it....but before I do may I have your thoughts
on what may be optimal??

I would just reverse the timing for the two screens.

Once you go EV, Gas is history!

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor
Certainly. I believe the time the temperatures are displayed is a carry over
from the Imperial units version anyway. In the Imperial units version the battery
voltage and battery current do not have the luxury of residing on the same
page as the temperatures; hence, the short display time to get back to the
other page. I will change it....but before I do may I have your thoughts
on what may be optimal??

I would just reverse the timing for the two screens.

ok - here it is --> http://youtu.be/C8fxCDJwEH8

kingcharles's picture
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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

ok - here it is --> http://youtu.be/C8fxCDJwEH8


Once you go EV, Gas is history!

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Great stuff!
Will it work in combination with The Laird firmware?

This is a good question.... The CanMon was designed around the
original Vectrix firmware with the ESD charger. As I do not know
-exactly- what changes The Laird made to the firmware (from a
source code perspective), I believe he may be the best person
to answer this question.

Sorry that I cannot provide a better response.

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

How's the project going? Nearly available yet? I'm putting together a letter to send to the North Pole and would ideally like to put one of these wonder-gadgets on my list for Santa. Otherwise, my girlfriend will buy me somethingboring like an i-Pad and I'd rather have one of your screens! (no, I'm not flattering you...)

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

The project is reaching the final stages. The last prototype mounting mechanism
is due to arrive by the first of next week, if not sooner. I anticipate this
part to be production ready, but it does need to be validated; and, once that happens
then I will have the details for pricing and availability.

Green Angel
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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Hi All, Only just registered here, being an Eco Girl who has just bought a 2008 LX1 with a problem, need help anyone kind enough to help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks from Green Angel, Eco Girl going green all of the way x


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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Finally... the prototyping work has been completed.

The mounting mechanism has been finalized and is in production with
arrival in 2-3 weeks. I can now accept orders with the caveat I have
some time to perform the final assembly and testing before shipping.
((some time = a few days to a week depending upon backlog)).

In regard to pricing, and after much deliberation, I sincerely
doubt that I will be sending out "kits"... the assembly is done 'in-house'
which minimizes that cost - (an external vendor's assembly charge is
astronomical) - thereby reducing the end unit price.... an added benefit is
I test each unit and eliminate any issue. As before, all that needs to be
done is to plug it into the canbus connector in the globe box, slide it onto
the dash and GO; no shunts to install, no splicing and no rewiring. The
only item: make a small notch into the glove box cover with a round file
to accommodate the cable.

I have requested an ASAP status on the mounting bracket, so with any
luck they will arrive sooner rather than later..... if you would like
to order this display please send me a pm with:
your name,
shipping address,
quantity and which version you are ordering.
Version 1.0I is for the Miles/Fahrenheit display, Imperial units.
Version 1.0M is for the Kilometers/Centigrade display, Metric units.
Each unit cost is: 150 USD plus shipping/handling.

Edit: The mounting bracket is a quick way to attach something to the dash.
Additional brackets can be had for 35 each.

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Hi Galago,

Would this be a good time to publish the complete and final spec for your Monitor? Perhaps it is sufficiently self explanatory.

Would it be feasible to add a wifi access module so one could monitor the bike remotely? I suppose this would have to also be able to switch on the bike (or at least the canbus) .... hmmm!?

I gather you are doing metric and imperial versions but what about a half and half version for those of us in the UK? Generally, we use miles for distance but centigrade for temperature.

Does the monitor just clip on or is there a way of securing it permanently? I assume the theroy is that when the bike is unattended you open the glove box, unclip the Monitor and stow it in the glove box where it is locked away? This might be a better system than to screw it to the dash...

Cost of shipping to the UK please?

Regards, Martin.

Regards, Martin Winlow
Isle of Colonsay, Scotland

Last seen: 4 weeks 1 day ago
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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Hi Galago,

Would this be a good time to publish the complete and final spec for your Monitor? Perhaps it is sufficiently self explanatory.

Pretty much... just plug it in.
Both versions, upon powering up the bike, will switch the
display between the ahr count into the battery for the last charge
cycle and the battery temperatures screen; it will do this until
the throttle is rolled a tad bit, then the display switches between
the battery temperatures screen and the amount of energy used from
the battery during the present discharge cycle, the bike keeps a running total.
During charging the display switches between the battery temperatures
screen and the amount of energy, in ahr, delivered into the battery; with
the caveat the monitor is plugged into the bike BEFORE the charge cycle
is started - otherwise it just displays the value since the monitor was

Would it be feasible to add a wifi access module so one could monitor the bike remotely? I suppose this would have to also be able to switch on the bike (or at least the canbus) .... hmmm!?

I had thought about this from the perspective of a wireless-near-field-comms system but nothing is planned.

I gather you are doing metric and imperial versions but what about a half and half version for those of us in the UK? Generally, we use miles for distance but centigrade for temperature.

Now you tell me... ;-)) haven't considered this aspect but I suppose it is doable.
How about a version where it displays Kilometers and degrees in Fahrenheit??
I had also considered a degrees Kelvin but believe the temperature range for which
that scale was intended is a bit outside of the everyday extremes which will be
encountered by the average user.....

Does the monitor just clip on or is there a way of securing it permanently? I assume the theroy is that when the bike is unattended you open the glove box, unclip the Monitor and stow it in the glove box where it is locked away? This might be a better system than to screw it to the dash...

However you want to do it..... if you plan on screwing it to the dash (not recommended) a hole will
need to be drilled into the clip (most likely on the underside) to allow that possibility - be aware
the clip is 0.03" stainless steel so it will be a tough hole to drill without the proper utensils....

Cost of shipping to the UK please?

S&H = 20usd worldwide....insurance/other parcel services are extra.

kingcharles's picture
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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Can it be trusted in the rain or is it not waterproof?

Once you go EV, Gas is history!

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Is this device compatible/useful on lithium converted bikes?

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Can it be trusted in the rain or is it not waterproof?

The intended location of the CanMon is on the center of the dash under the
windscreen. In this location the unit is expected to receive minimal amounts
of precipitation. The units (as shipped) will be 'water-resistance' but not
'waterproof'. This means any incidental moisture encountered during a ride
should pose no problem; however, it does not mean to squirt it with a garden
hose or leave it to get inundated by precipitation/condensation. The circuit boards
receive a layer of conformal coating to keep them safe from the elements... i.e. humidity.
With that said... the unit is fused at 13v, 500 milliamperes to keep it protected
from any transients. If, for some reason, the unit becomes inoperable simply
check to see that it has not become unplugged; the retainer/mating hardware is
missing on the connector in the glove box - so the cable connector just
press fits into it - at least on my bike - hopefully yours has the hardware to
secure the connector.

Is this device compatible/useful on lithium converted bikes?

The CanMon has been designed/tested around the Original Vectrix
Firmware and the ESD charger. It has not been tested on the newer Vectrix
Lithium version bike. Also see post #45 above....

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

I was asked "what are you waiting for X-mas?!".... Well, no, not exactly, it just
kinda turned out that way.... and for as long of a wait as it has been I am
glad to announce that the development effort for the initial offering has finally
been completed.
The CanMon units are now available for purchase. If interested please pm me.
At this point in time units ship internationally.

Happy Holiday's!

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor
I gather you are doing metric and imperial versions but what about a half and half version for those of us in the UK? Generally, we use miles for distance but centigrade for temperature.

Now you tell me... ;-)) haven't considered this aspect but I suppose it is doable.

Has there been any more thoughts/progress on a miles/centigrade version?


Central Scotland

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Has there been any more thoughts/progress on a miles/centigrade version?

Not yet...interest has been focused in the other versions but I can surely do some units
this way if there is enough interest (~5 or more units)...

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor
Has there been any more thoughts/progress on a miles/centigrade version?

Not yet...interest has been focused in the other versions but I can surely do some units
this way if there is enough interest (~5 or more units)...

Put me down for #1, who else in the UK is after one?


Central Scotland

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

While the initial development has been completed efforts
have not stopped. The latest version, 1.1, is in the works
and a sneek preview can be seen in the link below.
The version 1.1 is being made to give the rider more
control over which screen to display and when to display it.
This is accomplished by using the High-beam indicator. When
either the Pass-beam switch is released OR the High-beam switch
is positioned from hi to low, the display will increment to the
next screen. More information has been collected from the
bike as demonstrated in the video ( see it here --> : http://youtu.be/0NSxSlauvZY ).
The additional information includes firmware revision numbers for
the Motor Controller, Charger, Icm, Front and Rear Pack temperature
sensor control boards; a throttle value test indicator and temperature
readings for the Motor Controller and each of it's phase capacitors.
The synopsis is:
up to the 12 second mark I use the pass-beam switch to change
between screens at which point I move over to the throttle.
at 16 seconds - the throttle starts to roll toward full forward.
@ 23 - full forward throttle.
@ 38 - throttle is back at idle and starts to move to full reverse.
@ 43 - full regen throttle value.
@ 55 - move back to the beam switch.

Santa brought me another Vx1 (my second) which appears to be pre-loaded
with The Lairds software.... hmm... at first glance it seems the
CanMon does indeed work with this version of firmware but more comprehensive
testing needs to be performed. At the moment only "on-the-rock" (bench)
testing is being performed due to the rather fresh weather conditions.
The outside temperature is a brisk 20 degrees F and the roads are ice
covered....... no, I am not putting skis in place of the front tire....think windchill...
anyway, I hope this latest is well received - please let me know thoughts/impressions.

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Re: Vx-1 CanBus Monitor

Speaking of The Laird, where has he gone? I sent him a message a few weeks ago and he hasn't replied. Has he retired from the Vectrix community?


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