New CAN Data Logger

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New CAN Data Logger

Not sure how much work it would take, but this looks amazing and $89 is cheap.

It's designed to work with Teslas and has all the CAN messages already defined for them, but it can be configured with a DB9 connector so it could be hooked to the CAN Port on the Vectrix. In theory, people here know the CAN messages so perhaps we could configure this for our use too.

It supports an SD card to log any messages, it has a WiFi card that you can join and then control the device from any web browser. It can join your home WiFi and upload info after every drive. It even has little microdisplays that can be connected to it wirelessly to display anything that is being recorded via the CAN bus.

I am gonna get one and start playing.

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Re: New CAN Data Logger

That's an outstanding find - I'll likely get one too

Every so often when diagnosing a fault, I wish I had data logging

Daily Ride:
2007 Vectrix, modified with 42 x Thundersky 60Ah in July 2010. Done 194'000km

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Re: New CAN Data Logger

Mine is in the mail. Now I need to build the DB9 connector for it. Does anyone know if there is 12v on that connector in the Vectrix? Or I can just run a cable to the power plug if there isn't a convenient way to do it off the DB9.

I also own a 2018 Tesla Model 3 and a 2012 Mitsubishi iMiev

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Re: New CAN Data Logger

Does anyone know if there is 12v on that connector in the Vectrix?

The pin-out for the Vx-1 glovebox DB-9 connector:
3 - GND
9 - +5vdc

edit: correct information per owners manual.
+12vdc is in the accessory outlet in the glove box. Page 50 of the owners manual states the
+12vdc source is capable of 0.5ampere (6 watts).

... um ... interesting ... I was waiting for a better time to do this but
Black Feather Systems has the CanMon 5000 in "prototype development" stages.
Very little info is available at this time but PRELIMINARY data reveals an Android phone based app used
in conjunction with the CanMon5k to provide a DIGITAL DASH BOARD of sorts, and yes with logging/archive data et al.
The project is very new so no new information is expected for some time.
It is not much but here is a picture of where it is right now....

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Re: New CAN Data Logger


Got my new logger, kind of a techie gadget. Hand built, but consequently very flexible. Less plug and play than I am used to. It came with connectors for the DB9 but I will likely be playing with it in my Tesla for a while. I powered it up with a MicroUSB and it showed up as a wifi network. I joined it from my phone and then connected to it at the default address. I then gave it the SSID and password for my home network, would have been nice if it scanned for SSIDs, but what the heck. After a bit, the page showed that it was now connected and it's IP address on my home network. I could now connect to it from my computer via the home wifi by entering that IP in my browser.

Going to the LOG tab in the interface it showed there was no MicroSD card installed. I unplugged it and tried to plug in my spare 1GB card. Turns out this isn't the kind of socket you can plug directly into. You have to flip up the cover and center the card and then lower and latch the cover over the card. I ended up removing the WiFi riser board to do it. Not for the faint of heart. But I will likely never need to remove the card again.

I then took it out to the Tesla and hooked it into the CanBus. With the door open I can connect to the CanServer's WiFI and open it's default page in my browser, it shows that I am logging data. I then closed the door and ran into the house to download the data to my computer, but of course as soon as the door closes the car goes to sleep turning off the power. Gonna have to play with this some more.

There is also software for the Tesla called TesLAX that allows you to put gauges on an iPhone representing the CanBus data going into the CanServer live. This should work for the Vectrix too. Just join the WiFi for the CanServer and then launch TesLAX. I have yet to try it, wanted to post before I head out. I'll update as I discover other stuff.

I also own a 2018 Tesla Model 3 and a 2012 Mitsubishi iMiev

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Re: New CAN Data Logger

Some progress: the CanMon 5000 - NFC prototype firmware has achieved stability.
These pics show temperature data as received in the phone thru the NFC link.
The locations 0x10/0x11 and 0x18/0x19 represent tag addresses, as displayed via NXP's NFC Tools App and NXP's NTAG I2C Demo App, where the temperature data resides.
I know it is not much but it is progress.



Here is a sample of two prototype User Interface screens, again, it is not much and these are subject to change, but progress is slow.


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Re: New CAN Data Logger

Cool find, thank you.

- David Herron,

israndy's picture
Last seen: 3 months 6 days ago
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Re: New CAN Data Logger

Where are you getting your .dbc info? Are you building a list of CAN signals yourself?

I have been using the iPhone app TesLAX to make sense of what I have coming off my wife's iMiev, but it's SUPER slow going. I also have the adapter so I can use the CANserver on my Vectrix but I haven't begun to do that as I drive that less than I do the iMiev, but if someone already has a rudimentary .dbc I would be tickled to see how it's working in my setup.

I also own a 2018 Tesla Model 3 and a 2012 Mitsubishi iMiev

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Re: New CAN Data Logger

Where are you getting your .dbc info?

I'm not quite that far yet. At the moment the NXP apps just read what is in the CanMon's NFC Tag. The CanMon just 'listens' to the Can Bus and then puts data into the tag to be available to the phone app. When the apps 'read', it is sort of like a live update as the CanMon monitors the Can Bus and periodically refreshes the data in the NFC tag memory. The .dbc is necessary for logging and histograms etc., but like I said I am not that far yet. Most of the user interface is written but getting the NFC link to work in Android (in my app) is slow going.

Are you building a list of CAN signals yourself?

...not sure what you mean by this... but the Can Bus data is available via addresses, so, I use those to get pertinent data. If I read your question correctly -> I guess: yes I have a list of addresses and the data they carry (one for the bike I am creating and one for the Vectrix Vx-1).

I would tend to think my .dbc (I say "my" as I have to create the database f/u/w the app I am writing; and, as such, there is no particular placement the data items need to follow) would not *match* up to what the iPhone app is expecting so the data presented would be meaningless, if it presented/displayed at all.

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Re: New CAN Data Logger

Yes, Can signals are numbered and the .dbc file contains the mapping from the numbered signal to intelligible data. Obviously the signal name to indicate what the variable represents, but also things like is a larger than 8-bit variable little or big endian, what offset does the number represent, what is the range of the variable beyond just the number of bits used to represent it? I think there might even be a multiplier but I could be wrong on that.

If you have such data on what is coming off the Vectrix Canbus I would love to take a look.

I also own a 2018 Tesla Model 3 and a 2012 Mitsubishi iMiev

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Re: New CAN Data Logger

The Can address/data listing I have is from the legacy NiMH firmware. I know the latest Dugas Engineering firmware has changed some of the addresses ... anyway, I have been rather busy but if you go back far enough on the Vectrix threads you will find information about the can bus and data, it may even be in the Vectrix handbook. I might have the listing as a file somewhere -- if you are that interested pm me and I will see if I can find it....

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