Submitted by kevin smith on Sat, 08/01/2009 - 05:05
WELLDONE guys at vectrix i had a small probblem i/e my crombe plat covering the planetery gearbox . crombe was comming off
and it got sorted out in aprox 23 hours welldone give that lovley lady a big kiss from me .
am the male hunk in the . electric ave picture brill
thank you all that negativaty about vectrix had me in the dumps well am gona relax and ride my crombed up smooth girl.
Submitted by kevin smith on Sat, 08/01/2009 - 04:55
hi all be wondering if we are to be trully eco guys the me must look out side the box...
we been wondering about my beloved vectrix at the end of the charge cycle i/e when scooter is fully charged.
i find that i have to open the front door i let pressures heat out and for unpluging it in wasted energy when i go out ..
as to comming in as well .. well i have had few plug in timers but these dont last as little on the cheap side and really fiddley too..
Submitted by kevin smith on Wed, 07/08/2009 - 03:52
hi all i read some blogs some wile ago to do with sticking regen breaks or throttle sticking open a little .
well 1st probblem is the rubber grips they are a little on the rubbery side but for me not too much of a probblem
if i know about it in the first place well what tends to happen is while gripping the throttle the mushroom side inner you tend to squeeze
this and and there for it been very rubbery it tends to move inwards 2 to 8 millimeters is
Submitted by kevin smith on Thu, 07/02/2009 - 04:11
eh by ech we like our bikes cheap. we like our electric cheap. we like our food cheap.
enjoy one of my most memrobale days out not to mention
it was a bloody cheap day out
and it was thee hottest day of the year
enjoy .kev a right yorkshire lad...... ...
Submitted by kevin smith on Wed, 06/24/2009 - 14:03
i have been noticing with the scooter. is however i charge it the temp doesn't moove from 19c to to 28c..........
at the moment with extended cooling but . the average temp in england at the moment has been between
19c and 25c .ish
and whats been notisable i have done today 29miles load of really steep long hills versus traffic conditions all mixed bag but
if i do any regen i have been very gentle as juast slight movments as not to spoile the kenetik movment of the forward thrust i/e slight deeacseliration.
Submitted by kevin smith on Wed, 06/24/2009 - 04:40
i have a probblem and carn't seem to find the cause would it be easy to
make a 12v bypass from one on the 12v batteries ? it has 4 12v batteries
break switches are working fine how would i go about wiring the switches to the rear light
so the rear break light works as the swiches are getting a 12v suppliy to them but somehow its
getting lost throught the electrics and is showing from the three wires to the rear light
one is green/yellow .( middle wire is green ) and the third wire is brown ......
Submitted by kevin smith on Sat, 06/20/2009 - 15:28
hi all my sons e-max 110s scooter i have just noticed that the rear break light keeps on.
there is no other fault just rear light keeping on side light comes on the front and so does the
dip and main beam aswell . but the rear tail light keeps on as well the break light they are both the same filliment bulb i have taken this bulb out
and and turned it around/ twisted the bulb and the light comes on dull
and is not meant to go this was and the rear brake light doesn.t come on i carnt seem to find any obvious faults ??
Submitted by kevin smith on Sat, 04/25/2009 - 08:29
hi guyes does any body no how to un restrict emax scooter 2008 model
as it is electronically restricted to 30 mph but i am sure that i had seen a french site how to do this ??
but it was a wile ago my son is borrowing at the mo and says its too slow so would like to proove to him its better already than the old broken ic engine in the back am trying to fix at the mo but he may keep it if i manage to un restrict it to a resnoble 35 mph as i fitted a new brain to it as
Submitted by kevin smith on Sat, 03/21/2009 - 05:48
dear all i have . a briliant idea and am willing to put money and my time in to this project that will stur interest
from the whole world i can garantee that tv coverage will wan't to cover this this. web site will be the most well known in the whole world
bold statment i know .but what i propose is can you guess ?? well in england we build a scooter for a total amount of lets say £2000 pounds but thats to be finalised ?? and in america do the same with all our suporters we put all our brained together and lets see who can make the best
Submitted by kevin smith on Sat, 03/21/2009 - 05:14
dear all i am trying to find out how much it woul cost the vectrix scooter to do real distances.
that would not leave us stranded? and also need to be 2000 cycles+ thats charges
and a battrey thats not too sesitive to little changes and can take some punishment?
and need to fill the battery compartment fully ? what are we talking about in way of dimentions ??
bms needed and can currant charger be slightley converted or
is needed totally new charger as i suspect??