Physical location of Battery Sensors and coresponding Reading in software

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Physical location of Battery Sensors and coresponding Reading in software

Does any one know what physical location these temperature sensors correspond to.
The fron battery has 2 sensors on each level of the 3 stacks of batteries for a total of 6; so does the back battery. So I assume the 12 readings corresponde to 6 on the front and 6 on the rear.
Anyone knows

Mod Temp 1 4D
Mod Temp 2 4D
Mod Temp 3 4D
Mod Temp 4 4D
Mod Temp 5 4D
Mod Temp 6 4D

Mod Temp 1 4E
Mod Temp 1 4E
Mod Temp 1 4E
Mod Temp 1 4E
Mod Temp 1 4E
Mod Temp 1 4E

Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
Joined: Wednesday, October 8, 2008 - 20:06
Points: 342
Re: Physical location of Battery Sensors and coresponding ...

sorry I miatyped: the sensors are
Mod Temp 1 4D
Mod Temp 2 4D
Mod Temp 3 4D
Mod Temp 4 4D
Mod Temp 5 4D
Mod Temp 6 4D

Mod Temp 1 4E
Mod Temp 2 4E
Mod Temp 3 4E
Mod Temp 4 4E
Mod Temp 5 4E
Mod Temp 6 4E

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Re: Physical location of Battery Sensors and coresponding ...

I found a damaged cell in the front pack, top platform, right side that corresponded to a high temp reading on Mod Temp 2 4D. Seeing that there are only two sensors per platform, one on each side, I'd conclude that sensors are numbered from left to right, top platform to bottom platform, and front pack (4D) to rear pack (4E).

Of course, that's making a lot of assumptions based on only one data point.

X Vectrix
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Re: Physical location of Battery Sensors and coresponding ...

An accurate assumption tho!

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Re: Physical location of Battery Sensors and coresponding ...

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Re: Physical location of Battery Sensors and coresponding ...

Hi, so this should be the correct positions?

Greetings Mike

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